

Not much sleep... and then there were errands... which involved a visit with a friend (and a present!!! which I adore)... coffee and quiche at a local cafe... then a short wander-about taking photos... then a trip to a fabulous herbary for goodies... a nap at home with my favorite puppy (don't tell the others)... and now movies with the family...

How was your day?

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today I had a fabulous lunch date with my daughter... after which, we had a very inspiring walk about the college area... happily taking photos. While we were eating lunch... I happened to pick up a book called "14,000 Things to be Happy About" by Ann Kipfer. Feeling motivated... I decided to devote this post to a similar list *although not nearly so long :)

1. tea. So many varieties... so little time...
2. singing with the radio on full blast
3. puppy kisses
4. my camera... my little creativity box...
5. BAJ and the kiddos... and little Sophia
6. full moons
7. blue skies
8. bagels and cream cheese
9. flannel sheets
10. colored pencils and Moleskine notebooks
11. fresh flowers
12. mail
13. art on the walls
14. handmade furniture
15. 4-wheel drive
16. cottonwood trees
17. a stack of books at my bedside
18. good friends
19. neighborhood shops
20. candles

---perhaps this will in turn inspire you to make your own "happy list"...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


** all photos by Elaine A. Russell

I had a friend ask me about the architecture here in Coudersport.
Alot of it is victorian in style; having been built in the 1880's after a big fire wiped alot of the town out.
I don't know much at all about architecture in general; so I can't elaborate on specifics at all. I know what I like... but that's about it. In any case... I thought that I would focus today's and tomorrow's posts on some of the houses around town. Let me know what you think ...


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

My dad was feeling much better today.... although I think he tried to do too much; and by afternoon he was wiped out. I am so grateful that he is feeling a bit better though.
You have no idea.

In other news: my son and his fiance are planning their wedding for April 24th... yes, it's coming up soon. It sounds like arrangements are moving along very well for them... which is awesome.
I wish I was there to help more... but perhaps this is the way it is meant to be.

And ... in spite of today's weather (rainy cold windy and then snow wannabe stuff)... I went out and took a bunch of photos of the A.A.S.R. buildings... also known locally as "The Consistory."

The original portion (on the farthermost left in the photo above)... I believe was originally the mansion belonging to Mr/Mrs Isaac Benson... early prominent citizens of Coudersport. The house was left to the Freemasons in 1913 (there is a stone with this date on the front corner of the middle portion). The original portion is quite Victorian looking to me.... while the rest of the building was built in 1928... and to me, seems more Gothic. Either way, it is a very impressive building. Inside are a billiards room, dance halls, a Cathedral with a massive pipe organ and a stage, a cafeteria, dining halls, meeting rooms... it is massive.

One article I saw said that the original "house" portion was built in 1899; and that the consistory itself "stands as the largest in the country and yet sits in one of the smallest cities to have such an establishment."
When I was a teenager, I used to waitress and such at Masonic events held there. I have never seen more than the dining halls... but I am told it is pretty fabulous.
Both sides of my family have a long history of membership with the Masons... but I really don't know much about it at all.

My favorite thing on the grounds is the old carriage house. I believe it is simply used for storage now, but I really love the architecture of it.
And so... I hope you like the photos... and I will include the links I found related to this building.

(the Carriage House)

(the Isaac Benson Home)

(middle portion... and main Entrance)

(the last addition)


Coudersport Consistory Link

Wiki link: Coudersport

Wiki article on the Scottish Rite

History on the Consistory House

website for AASR