

There are several wonderful bloggers out there that I love to read.
About once a week... I spend several hours with hot tea and some great music... and just peruse the wonderfulness out there in "internet land."

On one of the blogs I like *look here*.... I found a thoughtful post on gratefulness. Around Thanksgiving, I did a series of posts on that theme... but I think it's really appropriate during the "holiday rush" to slow down a bit and reflect. And so...

In her post, was a series of fill-in-the-blanks type statements ... to help prompt you into practicing an attitude of gratitude. The prompts, are shown in blue. What are your responses?


* I'm grateful for
... my life. Opportunities. Love. Family (and a new granddaughter!) and friends.
And friends who ARE family.

* My life would be dull if it weren't for
... the fact that I am slightly wink-wink crazy... and my love for travel.
I have this insatiable desire to see and know...

* I don't know what I'd do without
... BAJ--my husband. He is not only my one true love... he is also my best friend. My camera (nuf said)... and Sabrina... my little fur-face partner in crime :)

* I appreciate the following things about myself
... my generosity of spirit. I am told it is my best quality... that... and really tiny ears and feet :)

* This year I've been blessed with
... so very much. Not the least of which is an appreciation of life; after seeing so much sickness. Art... which keeps my spirit going. Opportunity... to live, love, and grow...


And... I am ever so grateful for all of you who actually read this dribble

... much love... and blessings...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is thursday... already. This year has been so very full of chaos... and growth... and loss... and well... everything...

In honor of Thanksgiving (*also known in our house as the forgotten holiday)... I will be posting on topics such as thankfulness and gratefulness this week.

FIVE things I am grateful for this year:
1. that my family is safe and well and happy. I love you BAJ, kids, and little Sophia...
2. that we have shelter... food ... and the perks of living in a country where it is safe to live as we please
3. fresh coffee and fresh flowers in the house
4. freedom to make art... no matter what the subject matter
5. my lovely little Sabrina.. who brightens every single day for me

The photos for today's post... are ones I took back in April when I was in PA. I had gone to the Recycle Center over in Gold, PA... and there was this awesome little farm right on the "main drag" there in town. Right by the road, was a small-ish pen that had a male turkey and a few gorgeous ducks. He was stunning... and I took that golden opportunity to take a few photos of him. And no... I don't want to even think about if he is still there today...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


--------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today it finally rained and I am grateful. The rain came down ever so softly off and on today... and it was a welcome respite from the intense heat wave we've had. Tonight it is cool and calm... and is perfect sleeping and dreaming weather.

We were also blessed with a visit from a friend of a friend... who was able to fix our swamp cooler. And again... I am so very grateful. You never know how comfortable those things make our everyday existence... until it's broken for a couple of weeks.

It is also the full moon for this month.... and tomorrow is my daughter's 18th birthday.

"Today marks June's full moon and it is celebrated with multiple names: mead moon, honey moon, dyad moon, strawberry moon or pair moon. June is a month for decision making, working on inconsistencies, strengthening and rewarding yourself for your positive traits. June is a good time for protective, strengthening and preventive spells.

The Full Moon actually covers three days, including the night of the Full Moon, itself. This is a time for action, for harvesting the fruits of our labors, for realizing that which we began at the last cycle, and of giving thanks."

About the photograph for today: I took this photograph today while the rain was coming down. I had some great light coming in through my bathroom window... which is a textured glass. So I put a still life together using some vintage glass bottles ... this way the light could be seen through the various colored glass...


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

— Albert Einstein

A friend of mine loves Albert Einstein... frankly, I never read much of his work... but now am seeing how insightful he really was. Today I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health... and so much more.