

Today I was feeling a bit giddy. See.... I had woken up early to take my mom to her church services, and knew that I had a couple hours to myself. WoOt!!!
And so.... I made some coffee.. and settled in for a good hour or so of reading some of my favorite blog writers. I then decided... that I could take advantage of the quiet, and take a nap. And so... I let Sabrina out to run around the yard, and prepared myself to settle in to some super fine quilts. I let her in and she raced to the bed... happy and ready to nap. I crawled in... and started sneezing. Then I started wheezing. Then my eyes started to burn...
and I realized that there was something fowl in the air.
You see... there has been lots of construction in this neighborhood, as they are repairing one bridge, and removing another -- at opposite ends of this street. Apparently, Sabrina had found a nice smelly puddle of creosote or some such fowl smelling liquid... and brought it home with her.
So... after several puppy scrubbings... and several loads of laundry
... I gave up on the whole notion of a nap.

Instead... my mother, Sabrina and I went for a drive in the country. We saw gorgeous fields of corn, cows... and then we saw an entire field of sunflowers!!!
For a photographer... this is pretty much as close to nirvana as you can get.
We had a great time... and here are some photos from the day...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


photo by Elaine A. Russell

“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” .... Stacey Charter

I randomly was surfing the internet for quotes tonight... (yah, I'm strange)... and I came across this one. I love it. So... I began to wonder who this Stacey Charter was; and found this:

"Hi I am Stacey Charter. Not famous though my quotes end up in places that say I'm famous. Cancer Survivor, divorce survivor, attack survivor and all around positive person. Still learning to love myself 100% and thrilled that others have discovered the little pieces of myself I've placed on line. And yes - It's really me and yes I really did write those quotes."

How fabulous is that?
And... what does it inspire in you?