

I am not a horrifically politically oriented person, although once upon a time I did participate in a march on White House grounds... and talk before the Senate.

I am not a horrifically religious person... although I am very spiritually oriented, and have a strong belief system.

I am not prone to rants and raves... and yet... something has got to be done. Perhaps it is too late.
I am distressed beyond measure about the bees... the manatees... the fish... the crab... and the massive flocks of birds that have been dying in record number across the world. More so in the past few years.

It could be pollution, HAARP theories, radiation, sonic waves, some kind of weird experimentation or testing... who knows. It may just be as "simple" as man being so egotistical as a species ... that everything else is just running out of room and life by our own greed and consumption.
Who knows.
The point is... it's gotta stop. We must all be motivated to do what we can to limit our degradation of the world. We must take to heart, the re-use... re-purpose... recycle... mindset. To change our way of thinking... to change our way of living... to accomodate ALL living things.

Light a candle... say a prayer... do something pro-active.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


There are several wonderful bloggers out there that I love to read.
About once a week... I spend several hours with hot tea and some great music... and just peruse the wonderfulness out there in "internet land."

On one of the blogs I like *look here*.... I found a thoughtful post on gratefulness. Around Thanksgiving, I did a series of posts on that theme... but I think it's really appropriate during the "holiday rush" to slow down a bit and reflect. And so...

In her post, was a series of fill-in-the-blanks type statements ... to help prompt you into practicing an attitude of gratitude. The prompts, are shown in blue. What are your responses?


* I'm grateful for
... my life. Opportunities. Love. Family (and a new granddaughter!) and friends.
And friends who ARE family.

* My life would be dull if it weren't for
... the fact that I am slightly wink-wink crazy... and my love for travel.
I have this insatiable desire to see and know...

* I don't know what I'd do without
... BAJ--my husband. He is not only my one true love... he is also my best friend. My camera (nuf said)... and Sabrina... my little fur-face partner in crime :)

* I appreciate the following things about myself
... my generosity of spirit. I am told it is my best quality... that... and really tiny ears and feet :)

* This year I've been blessed with
... so very much. Not the least of which is an appreciation of life; after seeing so much sickness. Art... which keeps my spirit going. Opportunity... to live, love, and grow...


And... I am ever so grateful for all of you who actually read this dribble

... much love... and blessings...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell