

There are several wonderful bloggers out there that I love to read.
About once a week... I spend several hours with hot tea and some great music... and just peruse the wonderfulness out there in "internet land."

On one of the blogs I like *look here*.... I found a thoughtful post on gratefulness. Around Thanksgiving, I did a series of posts on that theme... but I think it's really appropriate during the "holiday rush" to slow down a bit and reflect. And so...

In her post, was a series of fill-in-the-blanks type statements ... to help prompt you into practicing an attitude of gratitude. The prompts, are shown in blue. What are your responses?


* I'm grateful for
... my life. Opportunities. Love. Family (and a new granddaughter!) and friends.
And friends who ARE family.

* My life would be dull if it weren't for
... the fact that I am slightly wink-wink crazy... and my love for travel.
I have this insatiable desire to see and know...

* I don't know what I'd do without
... BAJ--my husband. He is not only my one true love... he is also my best friend. My camera (nuf said)... and Sabrina... my little fur-face partner in crime :)

* I appreciate the following things about myself
... my generosity of spirit. I am told it is my best quality... that... and really tiny ears and feet :)

* This year I've been blessed with
... so very much. Not the least of which is an appreciation of life; after seeing so much sickness. Art... which keeps my spirit going. Opportunity... to live, love, and grow...


And... I am ever so grateful for all of you who actually read this dribble

... much love... and blessings...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Welcome to the world baby Sophia Griselda Russell, born today... weighing 7 lbs and 10 ounces... and stretching out to 19 inches in length.
Her mommy and daddy (and her) seem to be doing well..... and we are overjoyed at her birth ♥♥♥

♥May your life be long, joyful, and full of love, health and happiness♥

*photos by Elaine A. Russell (aka Grandma)

128 & 129: 365

I feel almost as if this were some sort of time warp. I know I have done things... but I seem to have lost the weekend completely. It has been a blur...trips to the hospital... trips to the store... trips to the house... long hours sitting at the bedside. Very little sleep. Rushed meals. Endless support.... endless phone calls. Visits from friends and family.

It's an odd thing. On one hand, my father's health has plummeted ever so rapidly. And yet, he has been better these past few days than he has been in a week... it is confusing.... and hard to not be puzzled by things...

I know that I was only back home in ABQ for 2 weeks... and yet so very much has changed. The hills are green and lush. The town is "buzzing" with last week's Maple Festival activities... (which I sadly missed). And my parent's lives have changed so dramatically.

This "hurry up and wait" time has been it's own special hell.... but we are all resigned to the inevitable, and dealing with it the best we can. ... and I am grateful; in spite of the strangeness;
for this slowness of time to spend with my parents...

photos by Elaine A. Russell


-----------------------------the Labyrinth at the Patterson Cancer Care Center

My back is not getting much better. I hate to admit it... but I don't think a trip to NYC is very feasible at this point... and I cried when I had to tell my daughter that we would not be going. I feel like I have let her down. I so desperately wanted to take her... it is something she would really like to do... and she has been such an amazing help and such a joy to be around... and I wanted to do something nice for her before we head home.

On the other hand... I am in no shape to be driving/ or riding ...and we should have left already if we were going to spend a day or two in NYC. Add to that the fact that last night my dad had some sort of weird episode that lasted until about 6am... and we were definately needed ... I feel like we can't leave just yet.

Today dad had his 2nd radiation appointment, and it seemed to go well. He is in significant pain... and his meds were adjusted again today to help with that. Coudersport is very fortunate to have the Patterson Cancer Care Center here. It is a huge blessing to so very many people here... and I can't imagine where my parents would be without it. For one, they would be forced to travel several hours to the next nearest cancer treatment facility... and I don't think that either of them would be able to do that.

Additionally... the staff there is amazing. They are extremely caring and knowledgable .... and go more than the extra effort to help people out. Today one of dad's doctors spent quite awhile chatting with my parents... making sure he was getting the care and the medications he needed... it is so very welcome and appreciated.

---->Link to online info on the Patterson Cancer Care Center: here

-----------------------all photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Patterson Cancer Center in Coudersport, PA


------------------------------------------------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

wow. I am exhausted.

My parent's home is like Grand Central Station. I think the phone never stopped ringing.. and I have to wonder how the entire county seemed to figure out someone was home.
Got some laundry done.... got some groceries.... visited with my niece. That was really about it... in between all the phone calls. Did I mention it never stopped ringing?

I only took 4 photos today in totality... so I was very limited when it came to my photo for the day project.
Ah well. Hopefully it is OK.

At the grocery store... I found some wonderful items... including the makings for some fabu blue cheese and spinach bruschetta...which I am making right now. Yes... this very minute.

It's been raining all day. Weird. My niece reminded me that the last time I was here... that it rained most every day.

My dad seems a bit better today. According to my mom; the doctors seem a bit baffled as to the source of his internal bleeding... supposing that it may be a reaction to the stress of surgery, etc. But... 2 units of blood later... the bleeding has slowed, and there is some color in his face. He continues to be quite distended, and they are suspecting a bowel obstruction... which they are working to resolve. He is still in alot of pain... but fortunately, is getting some pretty good meds for that. Mom has moved into his hospital room from the guest house ... and is trying to rest in between stuff. She sounds completely tapped.
At this point, I am planning to drive to the hospital on Monday... in anticipation of his transfer to our local hospital. This will put me there.. hopefully not too early so as to just wait around and stay in a hotel.... but be there to drive my mom and all the stuff back to our hometown. In the meantime, I am fixing some stuff around the house, and tomorrow will clean my dad's car (my mom thinks it's filthy)..... course... she is a bit OCD....


-----------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today we woke up and left the hotel around 9:30. We drove until lunchtime... and stopped at a Waffle House in Indiana. Those of you who know me... know I love diners. I know the food isn't the best for you... I know the music is generally awful.... I know they are usually all sorts of tacky.... but I just love 'em. There was a park nearby, and Sabrina was so happy to see actual grass... she ran around and ran around and rolled in it; smiling and panting the whole time.

We made several short stops today... but basically concentrated on driving and getting as far as we could. Surprisingly, there is very little snow about. I remember it usually having tons of snow still in March... so it really surprised me.

We saw tons of police en force on the highways.... really. Not sure why. ... but things were pretty uneventful. Kristin did have a relatively close encounter with a groundhog... she even got a photo of him... which was pretty cool.

Had my last Starbucks around dinnertime... figured it was the last one I was going to be near for awhile. It was good ♥

Made it to the backwoods of PA... about 2hrs from our destination when I got a call from a friend of my parents to call my mom "immediately." So I pulled off and called. Turns out my dad has had a turn for the worse. This am; they had told my mom that he was going to be transferred tomorrow to our local nursing home for rehab... and that he would be leaving by ambulance tomorrow.. and that I would need to come and get her in Geisinger. Well. Apparently he is not doing well...and that is all on hold for now. I am anticipating driving the 3hrs to the hospital tomorrow sometime to be there.... but my mom told me to just stay put for now.
So... At this moment I am at my parent's house in PA... doing laundry... and unpacking.

I have a "1 bar" connection here.... so ... internet is sometimes fleeting...but I will post when I can.


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

I am at a loss for words. My dad was just diagnosed this week with bone cancer. It's hard for me to even type the words.
In his lifetime... he has had 2 heart attacks, 2 strokes, prostate cancer twice, skin cancer .. numerous places, he had a kidney removed because of cancer, and now this. Not to mention surgeries... broken bones and the like. And about a year ago... Diabetes.

On one hand. He is tough. Super tough. John Wayne tough.
On the other... how much does a person have to take?

My sister passed away a couple years ago from Stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis. She fought for 7 years... and was simply and unequivocally beautiful *inside and out* throughout her ordeal. I have had my episodes as well.... but I have probably not been as nice and cheerful as she was. But I digress.

If you look at the statistics for my hometown... they are astronomical in the amount of cancer per ca pita. My theory.... is that it is from an animal hide tannery that used to be in the area; and I think things just got into the land and water tables that shouldn't have... but it's just a theory.

Where am I going with this? Life is hard. Sometimes it's harder than at other times. Some people handle life's curves with grace ... some do not do as well. I know my dad will be able to handle whatever life throws at him. He always has...and I'm sure he will continue to not only do it with grace... but with style and courage... and be an inspiration to those around him.

But as a daughter.... I just wish I could fix it.


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

...resting... figuring out finances... eating home-made cookies...
...getting packages ready to mail out to some lucky winners of my
First Ever Give-Away...

...enjoying some nice and spicy tacos for dinner...
Thinking how very fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am in spite of everything... and in spite of being not so healthy in the past...
(even though I have to take a BUNCH of meds/vitamins -- hence my inspiration for this photo I took today for my daily photo challenge)

Living Simply tip for the day: If you like spicy food; consider that you quite possibly could be benefiting greatly from the spice as well. I know in my personal experience, nothing boosts my immune system quite like a slathering of green chile on my fav foods. It is a boost in vit c; as well as helping me clean out my sinuses... and giving me a general flush of well being.

"Most of the health benefits of spicy foods appear to center around capsaicin, the ingredient which makes chili peppers hot. Other ingredients like turmeric, coriander, and mustard seeds which appear in spicy foods in some regions of the world may also confer additional health benefits. One of the most widely accepted claims is that eating spicy foods promotes sweating, opens the sinuses, and encourages expectoration, making spicy foods a good thing to eat if someone has a cold. The hot temperature of spicy foods can also promote an opening of the sinuses and bronchial tubes.

Some studies have suggested that the health benefits of spicy foods may be especially important for the brain. People who eat a lot of spicy food appear to be at a decreased risk of developing degenerative brain and nervous system conditions, and these foods may also help with depression and migraines. Eating spicy foods also increases the metabolism, encouraging people to process food more quickly, leading some researchers to suggest that spicy foods may help with weight loss. " -- from

wintertime reflections

"winter" photo by Elaine A. Russell. Taken TTV with a vintage Brownie Hawkeye
... my very first camera.

The year is winding down rather quickly. I am finding that I have several projects that I would like to finish before the new calls to make... business taxes to do... etc. This way I can start off the new year "fresh."
This past year has been a difficult one on many levels... friendships that have come and gone... people who have passed in and out of my life... health issues... money issues... kids growing up and getting ready to move on to their own exciting adventures...remodeling and working on the longer having any pro camera equipment...making some major career decisions...
And yet; these seemingly troublesome issues have brought goodness. New friends. New people in my life... a resurgence of good health...a simpler lifestyle...a moving on to a new phase of my and becoming more creative with my photography...discovering what is really important to me...

In the whole scheme of things... alot of what we(I) worry about is trivial. Sometimes it takes events and transitions to make us reflect more and figure out what truly is necessary to this life. What moves us. What makes us happy. What could possibly change things for the better... not just for me in my little corner...but possibly for someone else as well.

I've never been one for making resolutions for the new year. It seems like a self defeating prophecy of least for me. I prefer to think of each new year as a new opportunity for growth and change. For explorations inward and outward bound. To meet new friends... to learn.
What will this next year hold? Who knows. But I am looking forward to the adventure.