One of the other articles I came across when looking at all the "keys to success" information out there on the internet... was an interesting piece by a creative life coach. The interesting part for me, was how some people can actually sort of sabotage their own success in life because deep down they believe they are not "worthy" of success.
I know, I know... but the more I thought about it... the more it made sense. In fact... it really made sense.
I know, I know... but the more I thought about it... the more it made sense. In fact... it really made sense.
"Lack of self-love, self-acceptance and self-appreciation are issues that affect a majority of the population. I believe this is a silent epidemic. Nobody wants to admit that they don’t love themselves. Unfortunately, too many people have taken on other people’s negative observations and judgments about themselves and made them their own.
In addition, for many people, there can be a huge gap between the image they have of themselves and the image they present to the world. This gap leads to disharmony and creates constant tension within the person. They sit and wait for the bottom to fall out and the world to discover how defective or inadequate they really feel. "
Now... I am not a shrink... and I do not play one on TV... *he he*.... but there is a sort of logic to this. If I try hard to do things that will lead me towards my goals... and yet... deep down... I don't really feel like I deserve it... then it is bound to fail. Call it "sending out mixed signals"... or whatever...
The life coach goes on to describe how she feels that you can have a more positive/ accurate picture of who you really are... so that you don't sabotage yourself... but there are lots of avenues a person could take to discover their true self. Here again... it seems to be a matter of introspection... and really thinking and being honest with yourself; about yourself. OR... talk to someone you trust to give you honest feedback about how you present yourself.
For me... I know that I have a somewhat *poor* self esteem... that is not shocking news. What was sort of shocking though was that my poor image could actually have an impact on the success of some of my ventures. ... food for thought...
*photo by Elaine A. Russell