

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

It's Friday! ... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" is: the Matrix Gallery
(peek #9 in my series)

One of my all-time favorite galleries in ABQ is the Matrix....located on Central Ave in Nob Hill.

"The Matrix was founded in 2007 by its director Regina Held. Originally from Germany, Regina received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Texas at Austin and her Master of Fine Arts from the University of New Mexico. She is also the founder and director of New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery, located next to Matrix Fine Art. New Grounds has been in operation since 1996."

"Matrix Fine Art reflects New Mexico's artistic diversity by featuring two- and three-dimensional work ranging from landscapes to abstract and figurative themes. The 2,000 square foot gallery mounts twelve exhibitions a year with receptions taking place on every First Friday Artscrawl."... the Matrix website.

The front room... currently featuring artwork by Raul Dorn,
and porcelain work by Elizabeth Fritzsche

artwork Karl Koenig

artwork by Jacklyn St. Aubyn

artwork by Susan Reid

artwork by Archer Dougherty

artwork by David Koch

The Matrix Fine Art Gallery is always a place of inspiration. They have a huge variety of work, the place is fabulously curated, and it has a very pleasant atmosphere.

With the New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery and on-site artist studio spaces;
it is also a working, vibrant, active space.
I absolutely love this place... and I think it is a MUST SEE for art lovers in and around the ABQ area.

***Link to the New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery website:

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "U".

For this week's post... I went with UNIQUE UNIVERSE.

What a wonderful wonderful world we live in. Everyday I am amazed and in awe at the stunning array of wonders around me. I love to go to art shows and events... and this too, brings about feelings of joy and fulfillment as I see all the creations people come up with.

Today's photos... are of some really unique pieces of art that I saw on my last round of gallery visits this past Friday. I have included links to the galleries they are shown in.

artwork by Robert Redus

DreamScapes Gallery (

artwork by Nick Harmon

Chroma Studios (

Harwood Art Center (

artwork by Susan Reid
The Matrix Fine Art Gallery (

artwork by Dennis Larkin
5G Gallery at the Factory on 5th (

artwork by Wes Pullka

Quilt by Jane Lueras

N4th Gallery at VSA ( )

artwork by Cynthia Cook

Mariposa (