

I think I am finally back on the way to getting a few things done... and this will be the final "push" for this trip. I have been really sick for almost 2 weeks now... with my Lupus being exacerbated by who knows what... and it's been very frustrating. I'm still not "up to par"... but it will have to do for now.

In other "news"... There will be an exhibition of my photography at CCMH starting the beginning of November, and going thru the holiday season. All works will be priced affordably... and ALL proceeds will be going to the local Patterson Cancer Care Center here in Coudersport, PA. Hopefully, they will get a sizable donation from this show to benefit all the folks that go to the Cancer Center... and make what is a rough situation somewhat more tolerable.

And so... I need to get busy picking out photos and getting them printed and matted for this show. I hope to pick between 20-25 prints... and it has been requested that most of the shots have been taken here in Potter County.
So... if you have suggestions...or any favorites... let me know :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


What makes small town living so special?

Corn on the cob... farm fresh produce at the Farmer's cider... sunflowers... antique car shows... music from the heart in the local gazebo... Bwana Jim and his wildlife show... parades... led by veterans in the local Honor Guard... decorated bikes... friends and neighbors... the Homecoming King and Queen... the high school marching band... junior cheerleaders... Shriners in Go-Karts... carousels.... funnel cake... cotton candy... dart games... tractors and hay rides...

...and the cutest scarecrows you've ever seen...

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


(Maple Bacon Doughnuts at the Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe ... YUM)

... and my Art Gallery/ Show "Sneak Peek" for today is: Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe
(peek #14 in my series)

Today was a busy day. Puttering around the house... then off to a going-away party and BBQ for a friend... (thank you Sal and Debbie... the food was feckin awesome! -- and the very best wishes to Danielle)... then off to an art show at the Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe. A couple of friends and fellow artists are currently showing their artwork there... and it was a great time.

Couple this with some incredible maple-bacon doughnuts... and there ya have it!

If you've never been to Zombie Doughnuts... I highly recommend them.
Yummy, inventive... and they won't eat your brains out....

See these links:
Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe Website: Here
Unique Doughnuts review: HERE

artwork by Agatha and Torm (Too Ugly to Prostitute, Too Lazy to Strip)


Art Gallery: Sneak Peek #4

Today I will be featuring Dreamscapes Gallery.

Dreamscapes is a local art gallery located on 5th street in downtown Albuquerque, owned by artist Jan Jackson.

"Jackson works in an original style she calls “Dreamscapes”. Her paintings of people, animals, and events are stitched to pastel paper or canvas with bright slashes of bold, pastel color. She also works in acrylic, oil and clay. Her most recent work is multi-media sculpture using animal bone, doll parts, fabric and found materials." ...ABQ ArtsCrawl review

I first went to Dreamscapes Gallery this past fall. It is a quiet, unassuming building; and at first; I think the tendancy for most people is to drive right past it. What a shame. While it has a fairly benign exterior; the inside is brimming with color and vibrancy. There are a series of little rooms (this used to be a house), and inside each one (*yes, even the kitchen and bathroom) are works of art to be enjoyed and purchased.

In December, I went for the opening reception of the "Vally of the Art Dolls" show. Wow. It was wall to wall people!!! ... .and the works on display were absolutely stunning. Here are some highlights from that show... which will give you an idea of the cool artwork offered there on a regular basis.

I highly recommend checking it out. Owner Jan Jackson is a very talented artist, and the gallery is one of ABQ's hidden jewels. Bright and funky art abounds here... :)

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

artwork by Melody Mock (link)

artwork by Steven Art Watson

artwork by Michael C. McCormick

artwork by Mercedes Allen

artwork by Leighanna Light (link)


For more information; please check out the gallery website:

Here is the flyer for the next show at the gallery; featuring artist Nick Harmon.

(click on photo to enlage it)


Today I went to the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History. While, I suppose, there are some that would not consider it a "gallery"... as in ... let's go buy some art..... I definately consider it one. And so... it is my first "Art Gallery: Sneak Peek" of 2010. (as in ... a peek inside)

The museum, as we know it, first started as a feature at the Albuquerque International Sunport in 1967. It later outgrew the area, and was built in it's current location by Antoine Predock.

According to Fodor's Guide: "This modern structure, which underwent a spectacular 40,000-square-foot expansion in 2004, houses the largest collection of Spanish-colonial artifacts in the nation, along with relics of the city's birth and development. The centerpiece of the colonial exhibit is a pair of life-size models of Spanish conquistadors in original chain mail and armor. Perhaps the one on horseback is Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, who, in search of gold, led a small army into New Mexico in 1540—the turning point in the region's history. Among the museum's attractions are treasure chests filled with pearls and gold coins, religious artifacts, and early maps (some dating from the 15th century and showing California as an island). A multimedia presentation chronicles the development of the city since 1875. The sculpture garden contains 45 works by 20th-century southwestern artists that include Glenna Goodacre, Michael Naranjo, and Luís Jiménez."

Specifically; I went with a friend today to see the "Albuquerque Now" presentation.

Albuquerque Now is a pair of exhibitions, comprised of two distinct installations of recent works created by artists in Albuquerque. A wide variety of media and styles will be featured, from traditional to post-modern, and the artists represented range in age from the mid-twenties to over eighty.

Among the artists included in Albuquerque Now Fall :
Jane Abrams, Garo Antreasian, Cynthia Cook, Ann Dunbar, Betty Hahn, Aaron Karp, Stephanie Lerma, Orlando Leyba,
Reg Loving, Santiago Pérez, Bart Prince, Alan Radebaugh, Holly Roberts, Peter White

It was simply stunning. Words cannot describe it.... but I was blown away.

Curator of Art, Andrew Connors (who envisioned and put together this show) said, ''The more I discover about Albuquerque, the more I appreciate the real, visceral, integral and experimental feel of the art scene here,'' Connors explains. ''Some of our most significant artists possess a pioneering enthusiasm...there’s something about the appeal of New Mexico and the Southwest lifestyle that allows people to be who they are without expectations.''

I couldn't have said it better myself....

Here are some additional links:

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

the Monte Vista Mercado -- part 2 the continuing story.... I was wandering around the mercado... in awe.. and somewhat stunned by all the wonderful art. Here is some more!

Don't forget to check out these fabulous artists.... and BUY HANDMADE

artwork by the folks at OffCenter Arts (

art by the folks at ArtStreet ( )

Buck Naked Stuff (

artwork by MariaTeresa Stoa

artwork by Elizabeth Howard-Forbes (

soft toys by Animal Crackers, and wreathes by Susan (

paper arts, assemblage and mixed media by The Queen Bea (

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

The Monte Vista Mercado -- holiday show

Yesterday I went to the 15th Annual Art and Craft Show at Monte Vista Elementary School. Having never been before; I wanted to look up information about it on the web... but I think it must be one of those "best kept -- local secrets" kind of shows that gets passed on by word of mouth. There were tons of people there... and lots of very happy vendors.

Because there was soooooooooo much wonderfulness at the show; I am going to spread the love over a couple of posts so that I can devote a bit more time to each of the artists I happened to talk with. I apologize in advance for not being able to get ALL the goodness that was there.. this is simply SOME of it. I have added links where I can... please tell the artists you saw their work here :) ... and BUY HANDMADE

(♥ and just an aside to the organizers of the show-- it was fabulous!! and I hope to show with you someday ♥)

artwork by Tamara Totoro Dick (

artwork by Pati Woodard (

artwork and art journals by Lisa Gallup (

artwork by Annie Onderdonk (

art jewelry by Cheryl Thorpe (

art jewelry by Phoenix Forrester ( )

artwork by Josie Mohr (

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell .... tune in tomorrow for more ♥

Recycle Show: Part 3

The journey home to ABQ from Santa Fe was a joy. The Railrunner is a wonderful experience ...comfy, fun, and with stunning scenery. I have always loved trains. As a kid, the C & PA railroad went thru my hometown... the tracks ran right near my house ... so I got to see it everyday. In fact, my husband's grandfather was a conductor...waving to us kids at lunchtime as the train rolled through...

So-- the photos for today's post hopefully bespeak of the coolness and grandeur that is the Railrunner Station here in ABQ.

"The station reflects the architecture of the Transportation Center’s main building, which itself is reminiscent of the last big heyday of rail travel in Albuquerque. In the early 1900’s, the Alvarado Hotel, a showpiece in its day, stood right where the Transportation Center stands today. The Alvarado served as the hub of the main mode of transportation in the era – the passenger train. Today, the Alvarado Transportation Center is at the crossroads of some dramatic downtown redevelopment, ushering in a new system of passenger rail service." (

coming back into ABQ

part of the old Alvarado Station section

the front facade

... and one of the archways.... looking towards a NM sunset....
* all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Recycle Show -- Part 2

a portion of a mixed media work by Leighanna Light

jewelry by Darlene Fortier

Silverware Creations by "The Cat and the Fiddle"

I fell in love with these ... paintings by a co-op group called "Humble Works"

fantastical works by S. D. Meadows

Jewelry art by Kristin Deiner

The show was incredible. I can hardly stand it. So many things to look at.. so many things to be inspired by. And so many artists not represented here :( , as recorded by my trusty little camera.
But there will be other shows, and other chances....
And in the meantime... go make something !
**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Recycle Show -- Part 1

So-- I am going to try to show you some of the deliciousness that was the Annual Santa Fe Recycle Show, which was last weekend.

When I started making art from recycled materials about 15yrs ago... I thought I was a freak of nature. And frankly, so did a lot of my friends (artsy ones included). I persevered anyway... cuz that's the way I am. I made birdhouses, bird feeders, carved walking sticks with embellishments, collaged objects and pieces on wood, mixed media pieces, jewelry from found objects and re-purposed items, and recycled paper envelopes. But I still figured I was out of the loop in the art world.... until I went to this show.

Walking into this show was like finding OZ....... No need to click my heels... I was home.

This lady made fashion bags, totes and wallets from recycled plastic bags, vinyl pieces and more.

Lane Patterson's lamps... made from recycled parts, tin cans, metal pieces.....

Bates Wilson.... art from recycled car and motorcycle parts, signs.. etc

paper mache and paper art... not sure who made them... but I love them....

These night lights and incandescent lights are made from pieces of slag glass. They were brought by a husband-wife team.. and the wife also made jewelry from wire-wrapping broken glass shards into lovely necklaces and earrings.

just a snippet of the stash from Laura E. Stanziola....a wonderful artist's resource for all kinds of recycled materials....

More tomorrow !!
and see even more at
**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


photo by Elaine A. Russell

When I was doing the 9x9 show at the Factory on 5th, there was this awesome water installation just outside the south end studios. I am not sure who made it, but it has an incredibly calming effect on me. I have always been drawn to water... and even man-made installations are no exception.
The photo for today is of the installation... using a slow exposure, and slightly saturated colors.

I am in the in-between times. Getting ready for the Aki Matsuri show on the 27th..... trying to get my finances and such in order so that we can fix up our house.... downsizing our stuff... etc.
I think the next few months are probably going to be a healing and rejuvinating time for me. A time for the finishing of old projects, to make way for new. A time to figure out what I really really want, and forming plans to make it happen. And also ... a time to really enjoy what I have.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- a day of rest. Real rest. Awesome. And I am dancing inside. Actually... I am dancing on the outside too... it's just not a pretty picture.

Things are beginning to look up
  • I've managed to have some pretty fabulous shows the past couple months. Not so much in terms of money.. but in positive feedback
  • I am coming to terms with this new life as an artist
  • money issues that have plagued us for over 15yrs... are finally (maybe) being resolved
  • we have the opportunity to fix up our house !! Woo Hoo !! we may have a working sink again
  • the kiddos are doing well in college
  • the hubby is well
  • good friends... good times

The photos shows 2 of the girls in the Rogue Bindis that showed at the Offcenter Arts festival on Sunday. You can see more at:

We Art the People Show yesterday

photos by Elaine A. Russell

The festival yesterday was awesome. Sometimes I really want to kick myself. I have lived her since 1995, and there are things that I just never got around to seeing or hearing about. Probably because I was working so much, so hard, for so long.
Now -- I seem to have (or is it make) more time for things like this.

The premise behind Offcenter Arts is a noble one. Providing a place to make and create art for little or no money.. to take classes in art and techniques .... to provide an art community if you will, to everyone regardless of race, orientation, income, etc.
The festival is a celebration. The music was fantastic... the parade of HUGE handmade puppets was extraordinary .. the food and variety of vendor booths -- fantastic.

As a vendor, I was thrilled that so many people took the time to look and really see... touch... and talk about my art. That was awesome. I enjoyed the comraderie from several other booth vendors... as well as customers. During a couple of "breaks" away from my booth ...I was able to leisurely wander about. There was alot of jewelry (which I make.. so I wanted to see what else was out there ). However, I was surprised --especially considering the audience and local economics... that things were priced as high as they were. Don't misunderstand.. I think that art (generally speaking) can be horribly under-priced and under-valued. But I was surprised that people weren't providing a variety or items at all price points. I heard several vendors chatting about how they weren't selling as much as they had hoped to be. ... and yet, were primarily offering items over $50.

I was impressed by the shear vastness of the variety of items shown. Everything from handmade purses, to hats, to birdhouses, to paintings, to wood carvings, to glass mosaics, to silk scarves, to hand woven rugs, to handmade paper arts and recycle arts.
I wish that I had taken photos of some of the vaiety of crafts.... but alas... I did not.

I was also impressed by how nice people were. Just ... genuinely nice. Taking the time to talk to people.. to enjoy the music... to take in all the art.
Another great day.

We Art the People show

photo taken inside Saggios Restaurant on Central Ave
... by Elaine A. Russell

Well.. today is the We Art the People Show -- sponsored by Offcenter Arts (
  • When: 10 am - 5pm
  • Where: Robinson Park ( Central Ave and 8th Streets in downtown ABQ )
  • What: Over 100 vendor booths, as well as The 7th Annual Giant Puppet, music, theater, & spontaneous fun.

I got about an hour of sleep last night. I had moved Buffy ( the problem dog -- cuz she's a spaz ) into our bedroom to get her used to the idea of not being in my son's room at night anymore. Well... she did not sleep... and neither did I. The hubby had to get up for work at 2:30am *don't ask* I just got up with him and worked on cleaning, organizing and packing things up for the show today.

If you get a chance, come on down. It looks like it's going to be alot of fun :)

saturday ... in the park....

Red Headed Stepchild-- at the gazebo in Coudersport, PA

train cars being remodeled near Mt. Jewett Pa by Elaine A. Russell

Today has been rather busy. When you live in the country... the week is full of chores, and if there is anything fun to be done.. it has to be on the weekend. Saturday brings the residents of Potter County out and about as much as anything does.
Today there was a Farmer's Market in the town square/park, and monthly book sale put on by the local library. I got fresh peas, salad greens and leeks. Made an awesome salad for dinner.

Over near Austin Pa is the "Dam Show" ... a yearly musical treat located at the ruins of what used to be the Austin Dam. Here is what happened there :
This is another really good blog about it:

One of the bands featured at the show is Red Headed Stepchild. A local group, now located in Nashville. They have been wowing people here for years.
As a special treat.. they put on a free 2hour show at the Farmer's Market as a teaser for tonight's show at the Austin "Dam Show."
I was able to pick up a couple of their CDS, schmooz with the band, and even got a photo (see above).

Then I was off to a birthday party for a "sorta" nephew. It was a great party with some great people.

The majority of the afternoon was spent watching torrential rains coming down. I think if it rains any more -- I will have to go mushroom hunting.

I also got to play with some friend's pet rabbits. Adorable... but now my eyes are almost swollen shut. Ah well.

And in other news... I found a home for the dog I mentioned in my blog. She is now on a farmette in the rolling hills and woods of Sweden Valley.. about 6 miles out of town. She is living with people who run a Dog rescue. I can just imagine her herding all the other dogs at the rescue and playing in the fields. She was very excited to be in the car riding up there.. and immediately allowed the owner to pick her up and give her some lovin. It was awesome.

Back from the Dead – The Re-Animation Show, Friday, July 24

Fourth Friday, July 24th, 20097 – 11 pm

The Factory on 5th Art Space1715 5th St NWAlbuquerque, NM, 87102(between Aspen & Haines)

The Factory on 5th’s grand re-opening celebration. Arts, crafts…zombies!
We will be showcasing work by over 20 local artists and craftspeople.
Rick Lujan will present a chilling zombie fashion show!
A zombie-themed art exhibit will allow you to vote for the Best in Show.
Burning Paradise Video will be spinning zombie flicks all night.
Refreshments. FREE parking!

We’re just *dying* to see you all again.

Summer BBQ at the Factory on 5th

--------- photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken after the Factory on 5th -Summer BBQ

This past Saturday, there was an artist "meet and greet" as well as a fabulous Summer BBQ at the Factory on 5th. Lots of people arrived early in the afternoon and stayed long after sunset. Amongst the delicious brats, dogs, and even steak... potato salad, tabbouleh, chips.... fruit salad and desserts ( and of course, drinks of your own bringing )..... there was lots of conversation, laughter, enthusiasm, and stories............. Excitement about the resurgence of shows at the Factory. A Grand Re-opening !!! coming on July 24th.
More info to come...

(in ANIMAL voice) !

-----------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

haven't slept in 2 nights. I think it's my birthday curse. Every year I get into this horrible slump and I am just no good for human interaction. I doubt everything. I feel horrible. I feel like such a waste of protoplasm. I worry too much.. and about everything.

On the plus side.. I am usually so frustrated that I clean and organize stuff.
I am amassing a HUGE pile of stuff to potentially sell. If it doesn't sell, I will no doubt give it all to charity.. or divide it up amongst charities.

I had forgotten we had this stuffed "ANIMAL" from the Muppet Show. He is so cool. I may just have to keep him....

Upcoming Bolo Tie Show

------------my bolo tie ................... photo by Elaine A. Russell

I am going to be a participant in the 2nd Annual Bolo Tie Show here in ABQ on the 13th !
NOT just a Bolo Tie show.. it will feature the work of about 30 artists here in the ABQ area. Of course, each participant has the option of entering a Bolo Tie and compete for the Best In Show contest. Coolness.
Also --- there will be live music from the KingRays !

Date: March 13th Time: 5-9PM Fee: $30.00
Location: 615 1st Street NW. (1st and Lomas), in the Plaza Maya building
Live music by the KingRays from 7- 9 pm, Refreshments, Plenty of Free Parking, Fabulous Art Contact Robert @ 505-948-1542 for more information.