
49:365 by Elaine A. Russell

Being sick can sometimes make you feel caged. On one hand... you feel like you can't do anything... and yet, you still have the desire *at least sometimes* to do stuff... even when you know you can't. This can lead to feelings of unworthiness, depression... failure.

I am very fortunate in that my family understands my issues... and supports me when I don't feel well. They let me sleep... and don't care if I haven't cooked or whatever. My dogs love it when I am sick... not because I am sick.... but because it means extra snuggle and nap time in the comfiest bed ever. In fact, the only one who seems to have an issue... is me. I stress and fret over what I am not doing.... what I am not getting done... things I feel like I have to be doing.... when in reality -- I need to just relax and concentrate on getting better. It's very hard for me to do that. You'd think it would be easy... but not for me.

And so.... I am resting tonight... and trying not to make that mental list of things TO DO that is endlessly long and exhaustive...

Living Simply Tip for the Day:

The trick to simple living is making small changes... but remember-- you don’t have to simplify it all at once. Do one thing at a time, and take small steps. You’ll get there.

In fact, you can do little things today to start living the simple life.

Take out a sheet of paper. Now make a short list of the 4-5 most important things in your life. What’s most important to you? What do you value most? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in your life? Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things.


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

...resting... figuring out finances... eating home-made cookies...
...getting packages ready to mail out to some lucky winners of my
First Ever Give-Away...

...enjoying some nice and spicy tacos for dinner...
Thinking how very fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am in spite of everything... and in spite of being not so healthy in the past...
(even though I have to take a BUNCH of meds/vitamins -- hence my inspiration for this photo I took today for my daily photo challenge)

Living Simply tip for the day: If you like spicy food; consider that you quite possibly could be benefiting greatly from the spice as well. I know in my personal experience, nothing boosts my immune system quite like a slathering of green chile on my fav foods. It is a boost in vit c; as well as helping me clean out my sinuses... and giving me a general flush of well being.

"Most of the health benefits of spicy foods appear to center around capsaicin, the ingredient which makes chili peppers hot. Other ingredients like turmeric, coriander, and mustard seeds which appear in spicy foods in some regions of the world may also confer additional health benefits. One of the most widely accepted claims is that eating spicy foods promotes sweating, opens the sinuses, and encourages expectoration, making spicy foods a good thing to eat if someone has a cold. The hot temperature of spicy foods can also promote an opening of the sinuses and bronchial tubes.

Some studies have suggested that the health benefits of spicy foods may be especially important for the brain. People who eat a lot of spicy food appear to be at a decreased risk of developing degenerative brain and nervous system conditions, and these foods may also help with depression and migraines. Eating spicy foods also increases the metabolism, encouraging people to process food more quickly, leading some researchers to suggest that spicy foods may help with weight loss. " -- from


photo by Elaine A. Russell

in the whole "weird" category.....

the day before yesterday, I came home to water all over my kitchen floor, my son walking about with a garbage bag.. and my hubby shaking his head.

Apparently... a ground squirrel (probably the same little bastard that ate my garden this year) came in through the window. He ran around the kitchen, and ducked behind the refridgerator just as our 3 dogs came screaming in after him. Presumably, with nothing better to do... he decided to chew his way through the tubings that go from our water treatment system to the ice machine in the freezer... causing the puddle.
My son...ever the valiant warrior... decided he could catch the squirrel with a garbage bag and a stick. Upon poking the wee beastie.... the squirrel decided he had had enough fun for the day and ran through the kitchen and out another window.
My dogs are ashamed of themselves. You can see it in the man-dog's eyes. It's as if he was saying " I almost had him... he was right there ... "
The man-dog keeps going out to the patio and looking in the trees for another chance...sighing heavily.

So. Yesterday, after my hubby had found the appropriate shut off valves for the water to stop the puddling....we got a repairman in. And... a whopping $288 dollars later... it is fixed. New filters to the system, new tubing, yearly system maintenance. Yikes.

Lesson in all of this ? Not sure. But I am thinking that next time I see the squirrels, I will be less inclined to think they are so cute.

we are all works in progress

photo by Elaine A. Russell

We are all works in progress. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. We come into this world with nothing but our heart and our hands. We try, but we don't always get things right all the time.
Part of being human is making mistakes. Learning from them... trying not to make them again... making the best of less than perfect situations.

Friendships are hard to cultivate and maintain. I know... sounds like a garden. And in a way.. it is. You put yourself out there with the best of intentions, and hope that goodness comes from your efforts. You nurture things to the best of your abilities... but sometimes the weather just sucks... or the dirt is lacking... or you screwed up and didn't pull enough weeds.

I have made some good friends in this lifetime. And I hope to keep these friendships for a very long time. But I also understand that sometimes there is only so much that you can do. Some plants won't grow in your climate... much as you like them. Much as you want them to stay. Much as you try to make things work. And for now-- I just need to convince myself.. that that is OK.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

When I was doing the 9x9 show at the Factory on 5th, there was this awesome water installation just outside the south end studios. I am not sure who made it, but it has an incredibly calming effect on me. I have always been drawn to water... and even man-made installations are no exception.
The photo for today is of the installation... using a slow exposure, and slightly saturated colors.

I am in the in-between times. Getting ready for the Aki Matsuri show on the 27th..... trying to get my finances and such in order so that we can fix up our house.... downsizing our stuff... etc.
I think the next few months are probably going to be a healing and rejuvinating time for me. A time for the finishing of old projects, to make way for new. A time to figure out what I really really want, and forming plans to make it happen. And also ... a time to really enjoy what I have.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- a day of rest. Real rest. Awesome. And I am dancing inside. Actually... I am dancing on the outside too... it's just not a pretty picture.

Things are beginning to look up
  • I've managed to have some pretty fabulous shows the past couple months. Not so much in terms of money.. but in positive feedback
  • I am coming to terms with this new life as an artist
  • money issues that have plagued us for over 15yrs... are finally (maybe) being resolved
  • we have the opportunity to fix up our house !! Woo Hoo !! we may have a working sink again
  • the kiddos are doing well in college
  • the hubby is well
  • good friends... good times

The photos shows 2 of the girls in the Rogue Bindis that showed at the Offcenter Arts festival on Sunday. You can see more at: