Old Towne


Sometimes it's the littlest of things that can throw you off. Today I had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of what I can only assume was some one's very bad day. Apparently, in this particular person's life... manners are an option. And my encounter with this person threw me completely off... and basically ruined my evening. That said... as I was reeling from that experience... I had to stop at a different place on my way home, and encountered a simply wonderful person who went out of their way to be nice.

And it got me thinking. How is it that one seemingly small incident... can really change your whole outlook on something. Now... it had gotten me so upset... that I allowed it to ruin an otherwise great day out. And... that certainly is my fault. I had absorbed so much of this person's bad energy and hatred... and it so effected me.

Thinking back on it... there was nothing I could have done to have avoided the situation... but I definitely could have done better about my reaction to it.

Life is short. In fact, too short to allow other people to hurt me in this fashion... especially from a complete stranger. The "good" part is... as I was mostly unaware of the situation until after the fact... I did not react to this person's drama at all at the time... this situation could easily have escalated if I had known comments were directed at me... and lashed back.

I have always been a sort of "emotional sponge"... picking up on other people's energy all too easily.
I think part of becoming more mindful (*my word for the year)... is to not only be aware of other people around me so that I can avoid certain situations and drama... but also to be aware of when I get upset... IE: is this my emotion... or something I am getting from someone else.
Then... I can take a step back... clear the air... clear the potentially negative energy... and move on. Knowing that
a. if the situation IS due to a fault of mine... I can rectify whatever I have done... OR
b. if this is something I have no control or responsibility for... move on. Let it go.

And on a completely separate note.... the other night I was visiting Old Towne... and was fortunate enough to get these photos (just above.. and just below). The top photo is from my drive in Placitas the other day...
As a tie-in... they are all "blue"... and remind me tonight that I can't let other people get me down (or blue)...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


A friend got me started on the idea of picking a word to focus on each year... and last year my word was potential. I thought it was an innocent word... one that could only highlight the good in life... and it did... but like so much in life... it was very, very much more.

Potential... was me realizing that no matter the situation (good and bad)... that I could survive...perhaps even rise... above whatever was going on.
Potential was... getting acknowledgement of my photography... and my "coming out" as an artist.
Potential was... almost a "letting go" of everything I had learned or experienced... and making way for the new and different.

This year... my word is mindfulness.

According to Wiki... mindfulness is:

*bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis
*or involves ... paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally
*or involves... a kind of non-elaborative, nonjudgmental, present-centered awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in the attentional field is acknowledged and accepted as it is
*and always invites... curiosity, openness, and acceptance

And so... with a thought towards mindfulness and being more aware of one's surroundings... the daughter and I headed off to Old Towne late at night... to absorb all that it is. The cold... the crisp air... the cooing of sleeping doves... the sacredness of the San Felipe de Neri church.... the whiteness of the holiday lights glowing in the darkness... the sound of the older man walking his dog in the park... the rush of traffic on Route66 only a block away... the smell of snow in the air...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: Bright Rain Gallery
(peek #13 in my series)

Old Towne is pretty fabulous... and there are quite a few really nice galleries there.
One of the shining stars there is Bright Rain Gallery.

Owners Travis and Molly Black have created a wonderful place that makes you feel as if you have fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole.

Tons of colorful, vibrant and creative artwork abound in this place ... and you leave feeling happy, refreshed and excited to be alive. Painting, sculptures, photography, jewelry, mixed media, wood carvings, clay work... so very many incredible creations to see and ponder upon.
It is an awesome place... and I highly recommend a visit... SOON!

Here is a link to the gallery: HERE
and here are some photos from my visit there.....

artwork by Travis Bruce Black

jewelry art by Robert Redus

artwork by Louisa McElwain

jewelry by Kristin Diener, Rasham Omari Jones, and Aleta Riggs-Harroun

photography by Douglas Kent Hill

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell-- click on them to see them bigger)


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Had and interesting day today... spent my morning in the doctor's office, then went for lunch in Old Towne at the Church Street Cafe and had the best fajitas, chips and queso. What can I say ... I like my queso and chips.

Church Street Cafe is a wonderful cafe in Old Towne, ABQ... quaint, historic... rumored to have ghosts....I first saw the place when my family went on the Ghost Tours of Old Towne about a year ago. But I digress. The food is awesome. Seriously. My waiter... Tony.. was fabulous. What more could I want? Oh ya.... a bag to take the rest of it home... which I relished over dinner.
To see more on the cafe: Church Street Cafe

But back to my posting...
Came home, did a few things that needed to be done; and took a nap. How wonderful is that?
Dinner was delightful; conversations with friends --awesome.... a good day.

Some days are perfect like that ... others ... are -- well... not. And that is OK. There is not always a reason for the sequence of events that make our days what they are... and yet, how we react to them can make a world of difference. For instance; yesterday I let a series of events completely throw me off... and it made me weary and frustrated and sad. A friend of mine sent me this quote today:

“Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of character but strengthen it...Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” —James Buckham

And so - - I must remind myself that no matter what happens.. I may not have control over the situation .. or the event itself per se... but I always have control over my response to it.

Living Simply tip for the day:
"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." --Hans Hofmann

I think this must also include our emotions. Take what you absolute must.. and try not to worry about the rest. Don't bring more into the situation than is actually there .... or actually necessary.

blessings from Old Towne

photos by Elaine A. Russell

We have lived in ABQ for almost 15yrs. We were able to afford this house because the previous owners had gone thru a major domestic battle... and had trashed the place. Since then, we have done mostly structural things....removed carpet, put in tile flooring ...new roof... new stucco... re-enforced walls around the property... new water treatment system...new furnace... new swamp cooler...stuff like that.

For the past several years though.... we have had barely functioning bathrooms and kitchen. Today is the end of that. Today I have 4 guys who are seriously demolishing the main doors to our house... tearing apart the bathrooms, and soon will be tearing apart the kitchen.

Buffy and Genghis are "holed up" in my daughter's room... breathing heavily on the windows where they can see people coming and going. Sabrina is at my feet... not liking the sound of reciprocating saws much at all.
But it is all good. I think the chaos in the house is reflective of the way my life has gone for a long time now... and the change is good. Soon the house... and I... will be "up to par."

Yesterday, I spent part of the afternoon strolling around Old Towne. It was wonderful. It was a beautiful day, and there were lots of people enjoying the area. There was a mariachi band playing near the gazebo. I got a few fabulous beads at NM Bead and Fetish. I stopped at the beautiful San Felipe de Neri chuch. http://www.sanfelipedeneri.org/
And I also stopped at a small grotto-like chapel in Old Towne called The Our Lady of Guadelupe Chapel. ... with thanks and prayers said for the work ahead.

Photos for today's post are from my visit yesterday afternoon.