photo urban


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last year was pretty fabulous. Starting this blog was a real adventure for me... and I am looking forward to another year of posts. One of the things that this blog has encouraged me to do; is to take photos every single day. It has forced me to expand my creative boundaries and push through them. I highly recommend it.
I have started a project for this year as well. You can see the photos here ... where I will be posting a brand new photo taken each and every day in 2010.

I am going to be starting a series of posts this year. Once a week; I hope to review a local gallery and post about it. This will be a new "art day" kind of series. There are a small ton of galleries here in ABQ and the surrounding areas, and I am sure that I only know of a few in comparison. This will definately be an adventure... but one I relish.

I am also going to be posting "living simply" tips. When I was in college, I helped put myself thru financially by cooking, cleaning and organizing for people. Sort of a professional organizer... long before the term was HOT. It is something I am quite good at, and I often get called upon ( ala the shows Clean House and HOARDERS) to come and organize for people. For me; it is awesome because I love the satisfaction of being able to see almost immediate results. And... truth be told.. I love to search thru people's stuff. It is like digging for buried treasure. Anyway; I have spent years organizing and pairing down my own stuff... re-using, re-purposing items... turning them into art and craft pieces... refurbishing things and passing them on. I am an avid recycler... and I frequently post on Freecycle and Craigslist.

and... I am getting rid of titles; and merely labeling them 2:365 and such. Who reads the titles anyway.. and it's usually hard to come up with one to be honest.

So-- some new changes, as well as embellishments to the "tried and true."
*Don't forget to write me and enter yourself in my "anniversary give-away" at

resting and waiting

photo by Elaine A. Russell

If you ever get the opportunity to see the inside of the ATSF Rail Yards here in ABQ, I highly encourage you to go. It is the epitome of urban decay.... but it's grandeur and architecture will absolutely blow you away.
And while I am 57 shades of sore today.... it was well worth it.

99.9% of the time, the rail yards is closed to the public. It is intended to be the future home of the Wheels Museum; but for now... it sits silently... waiting... hoping..

And today... I too am taking a little break. The remodel is not moving along much at all; and it is beginning to get a little frustrating. But... we are all safe, and warm, and have a roof over our heads... so in the whole scheme of things... it is all good. Resting... waiting .. .and hoping here as well :)


**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Those of you who know me really well; know that I run, run, run and then am down, down, down. Mostly, due to the Lupus. Well; I have been busy for several days now... coupled with still getting over the flu... and yesterday I was on a photo excursion for about 8hrs.. standing or walking in the cold...
Today I am down. Floored. Exhausted. .... but very happy.

I love being able to do my art on a regular basis. And being able to do photography ALL DAY was fabulous. I do try to take time to photograph every single day... but rarely, is it an all-day event. I also had the wonderful opportunity to try first-hand some of the coolest equipment that Nikon has to offer.

This late-afternoon/ early evening... the hubby and I are doing our weekly "date" of going to get a salad or soup or something lite for supper... and then going to Barnes and Noble for a Scrabble game and coffee. It is a wonderful ritual... and it makes me happy.

*photos are from yesterday's FlickR photo meet at the ABQ Railyards


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Sometimes you need signs. Like the other day when I was roaming about downtown near UNM. I found this fabulous graffiti on the sidewalk "Stev-O... follow the arrows."

Woudn't it be great if the powers that be gave us such explicit directions to follow thru life ?
Course, I realize that having such clear direction might take some of the adventure out of it all.. but there are days when I wish I had the "owner's manual" or signs on the sidewalk to help out ....