

As a New Year's Eve BONUS...
I am including an extra post that shows a simple video of the photographs
I have on display at CCMH in Coudersport, PA.
(sort of an Ultimate Sneak Peak!)

This is the solo photography show I worked on and submitted earlier this month.
All of the photographs were taken this year, in and around Coudersport, PA... my hometown.

All proceeds from the sales of any photographs will be directly donated to
the Patterson Cancer Care Center in Coudersport
... in loving memory of my sister and my father... who have both passed away due to cancer...

May CANCER someday be a disease of the past...


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Art Gallery "Sneak Peek": 5G Gallery at the The Factory on 5th

The Factory on 5th has been a second home to local artists for about 6 years. It has seen alot of changes in that time... but the past few months have seen even more.
The main building on the property houses "The Kosmos" (home to the Church of Beethoven; as well as a new coffee shop), and about 30 artist studios.

And now; there is the new 5G Gallery towards the front of the property... which is what I am featuring today.

The 5G Gallery is a relative newcomer to the art scene here in ABQ.
Kudos go to RC Naso and David Cudney for the bulk of the work behind the scenes at the 5G Gallery. Recruiting fabulous artists from the Santa Fe area; they put together the premier show "Canyon Road Comes to Albuquerque," held in December.
Last month's show was entitled "The Peoples Art Show", and the next show starts February 26th--"Horsescapes."
(see the flyer at the bottom of this post).
Here are some photos of some of the fine artwork shown at these events:

artwork by James Jimenez

artwork by Alex Chavez

artwork by Annie Lindberg

artwork by David Cudney



I have always loved this grouping of buildings, and it seems the perfect local for a gallery space.

The premier show in December had quite the selection of vibrant and interesting art; and time will tell how cool and exciting this venue can become....

For more info: check out the following links....

Link to the 5G Gallery website:
Link to the Kosmos space website:
Link to the Church of Beethoven website:
Link to the Factory on 5th website:

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "U".

For this week's post... I went with UNIQUE UNIVERSE.

What a wonderful wonderful world we live in. Everyday I am amazed and in awe at the stunning array of wonders around me. I love to go to art shows and events... and this too, brings about feelings of joy and fulfillment as I see all the creations people come up with.

Today's photos... are of some really unique pieces of art that I saw on my last round of gallery visits this past Friday. I have included links to the galleries they are shown in.

artwork by Robert Redus

DreamScapes Gallery (

artwork by Nick Harmon

Chroma Studios (

Harwood Art Center (

artwork by Susan Reid
The Matrix Fine Art Gallery (

artwork by Dennis Larkin
5G Gallery at the Factory on 5th (

artwork by Wes Pullka

Quilt by Jane Lueras

N4th Gallery at VSA ( )

artwork by Cynthia Cook

Mariposa (

Santa knows...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell

Went to a bunch of fabulous art shows last night ..... and saw some incredible art, and even more incredible people. I will definitely post some photos as soon as possible... but in the meantime; I will be out and about today doing even more wonderful things --all related to art.

On the plus side... I have a couple places interested in selling/ showing some of my work... and I sold my one and only entry in the OffCenter Arts show. Freakin' awesome.

Saw Santa about a week ago.. he was passing out promos for the Pawn Shop nearby. He was jolly and friendly .. . and so much of what I assumed "Mr. Nick" would be like. Plus -- he was ultra cool in his Ray Bans....

First Friday gallery events

On our way to see the First Friday events....galleries, art, demonstrations and more ...

First stop, Robert Redus is the featured artist this month at DreamScapes Gallery. Fabulous art... and innovative jewelry creations. See more at:

Next stop was the Matrix Gallery. We saw a printmaking demonstration by Suzanne Marshall

Then we saw the fabulous renderings of Susan Reid...the "Hypnotic Pulse" series

wow... look at that detail :)

Then we went to Mariposa... I just love the variety of artwork there...
I hope to get to see more shows at other galleries, as most of them run through the end of the month.

a nice long weekend

photo by Elaine A. Russell
Our Lady of Guadalupe... taken at the Daily Grind Cafe on Central Ave

a nice long weekend.....and I need it.

So much to do in a short amount of time. Starting Wednesday.. is the 9x9x9 Show to be held at the Factory on 5th. This is exciting. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has done for this special show.

I have all my art back from the printers.. and am doing some last minute embellishing.

I am organizing my home studio... and it has been fun. I am finding things I had forgotten I had.. and lots of things to list for sale in my Etsy shop.

And I have 2 more shows coming up this month to get ready for. WOOT !
* We Art the People Show -- sponsored by Offcenter Arts...September 13th
* Aki Matsuri -- sponsored by the JACL here in ABQ..... September 27th

More info to come on these fabulous shows !

For Wednesday

--------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

So hey now.

I have been taking a series of photographs of the Factory on 5th --(( It's a cool old building with a ton of local history attached.
I share a studio there with 3 other people, and the atmosphere of the place is fantastic.

We are hoping to garner a resurgence in the place. There will be upcoming shows and special events. The one end of the building is the home to The Church of Beethoven, (( and they showcase special music events every Sunday.

The photos from today's blog are all ones I took at the factory. Enjoy......