

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

...cold, tired..... and well; actually exhausted beyond words. But I am leaving you today with some photos I took at Starbuck's today. I had to run a couple of errands... and I stopped in to get a small coffee to tide me over until dinner. The sunlight was streaming in the windows, and leaving these gorgeous shadows on the funky wallpaper there... and I just couldn't resist...

More photos and interesting (hopefully) repartee tomorrow...

And who knew?!
In the bathroom there... was this series of little photos printed on the paper towel dispenser
... explaining exactly how you should be washing your hands...
Good to know! I guess not everyone's momma made them learn this?!
(so I compiled them all together into a sort of collage... just for grins)


Today was an odd day. I've been sicker than I thought... and not really getting much done. Makes me feel rather useless....and so I edited some older photos. ... this one is from Feb 2009, taken through the windows of Off Broadway on Central Ave.... I love the way the colors create a mood...

I contemplated this.... when I discovered this photo in my archives... taken 12-08. I love the weathered and worn church pew... and the contradictions it evokes with the book....

I spent alot of time on the phone today ... different family members & friends are not doing well.... and I was reminded of this photo, taken 7-09... somewhere in the midwest when I was traveling.....

And I thought about life and death issues as a very close family friend is passing. I took this photo last summer at Eulalia Cemetery in PA. I love the old look to this place... the feel... the colors... in what most people consider to be a dark place....

And got excited when I found this one.... a photo taken December 31st, 2009 on the first full/ Blue Moon. It makes me feel like there is still hope and a brightness to the future. A bit of majik.... a bit of sparkle....
And so... til tomorrow.....

(all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "S".
"S" is a pretty easy letter to try and come up with a post for... and therein lay my dilemma. Too many fabulous and creative choices. I thought about doing something with "shadows".. or I could do something about my love of stones, or stitching (needlework), or the saxophone.....

And yet, I wanted to do something a bit different, a bit unexpected....and I saw this grouping of words.....

selenic: of, like or pertaining to the moon
selenocentric: relating to the moon as a centre; as seen from the centre of the moon
selenodesy: study of the shape and features of the moon
selenography: description of the moon's surface
selenolatry: worship of the moon
selenology: study of the moon
selenomancy: divination by studying the moon
selenoscope: instrument for viewing the moon

Which would make for a fabulous post... except that I really don't have any good pictures of the moon to go with it....other than this shot I took with the hazy moon peaking through some dark clouds as the sun was setting in the Sandias....

And so............. I will sigh... and leave you with a symphonic rendering of a song... by the stunningly sweet Muppets....or maybe that's just too silly :)