

Yesterday I had a great time visiting with a friend... and got to look at some artwork she is working on. Fabulous! Stuff like this makes me more motivated to get my studio space organized so that I can get back to working again.

I've also been reading more as of late... probably because I haven't been sleeping well at night again... and reading is something I can do in the quiet of the night without disturbing anyone else in the house.

Last night, I took Sabrina on her nightly walk around the neighborhood... and took some photos. It is an interesting thing to try to take photos with a simple point and shoot at night... but I am learning some techniques to use with it to make the photos come out a little better.

--->photos by Elaine A. Russell

Here are some tips for taking photos at night:

the poor little tree that could ...

------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

My pear tree in the front yard is coming to life. Usually.. this means that we will get a glomping of snow in the next 2 weeks that will kill all said produce from the pear tree.
I hope not.

While we could certainly use the water.. I am hoping that this will be the first year that this poor little tree isn't nipped by snow and frost. That it's little flowers will continue to bloom and flourish; and that if it does bear fruit .. AND that the damn squirrels don't eat it all !
He he he.

Anyway -- love the blooms. It completely made my day.