

It doesn't feel like the Christmas season to me. I think it is because of all the traveling I did this year... and that it sort of distorted time a bit for me... but I still feel like it ought to be autumn.
I don't dislike Christmas... but to be honest... it's never been my favorite holiday. When I was a kid... it seemed like it was an excuse for some people to behave rather badly... and it seemed to never end well. Perhaps it is just a distortion of my memories... but it's there none-the-less.
BAJ has certainly done his best to make the holidays nicer... and having the kids always made it certainly better... but I still tend to get "down" at this time of year.

I know that I am not alone. And while knowing that doesn't necessarily solve the problem... it does offer some reassurance. Plus... there are lots of helpful informational sites out there... with hints and helps such as:

1. Stay Active. Get enough exercise and fresh air. Eat healthy.
2. Start new traditions. Understand what works for you and what doesn't.
"Starting new traditions is a good way to lift your spirits and focus your energy outside yourself."
3. Be aware of your family's dynamics. If shopping with Uncle Fester always makes you sad... don't do it!
4. Don't swallow the hype. "Christmas isn’t about gorgeous decorations, unbelievably happy families, and expensive gifts. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be perfect or feel ecstatically happy. The stores, commercials, malls, Martha Stewart shows and radio advertisements turn Christmas into a merchandising cash cow – they also make Christmas about being flawless and full of glitter. Don’t fall into that pit of despair, which will send you headlong into an even deeper Christmas depression."
5. Don't be afraid to seek professional help. If you or a loved one are suffering... get outside help.

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


It always amazes me how quickly the Christmas season comes upon us. It seems like every year it comes as soon as the Halloween decorations are barely off the shelves. I could blame all the hype that is thrown at us via the media about shopping and buying... and whatever... in fact, I do remember seeing commercials for Christmas back in October...

...but I think it also has to do with the fact that time for me this year has gone by very, very quickly. Time has simply flown by in alot of areas... that it is hard to imagine that it is already nigh unto December here.

And so... today ... as we sat around and talked about things we were grateful for this year (and there was alot)... I also wanted to mention how grateful I am that we are doing our best as a family to avoid all the hype that is the holiday season to come. We have pledged again this year to make as many of the gifts as we can... and buy what we can't make from local sellers as much as we are able to. Not only will it be a benefit to those local families who own stores and work so very hard to keep afloat... but it also gives us the "warm fuzzies" to know we are doing what we can to re-use, re-purpose, and re-cycle... as well as make some really cool stuff.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas

photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's a wonderful time of year... and Santa has been spotted at various locals here in ABQ...

Time to get the tree trimmed...the wreathe on the door.... the lights in the windows....ham in the oven... music playing.... fire in the fireplace..... stockings hung with care.... lists made and checked twice (have you been naughty or nice?).....cookies baked....loved ones loved... and a chill is in the air...maybe some snow? .... or a little Ho Ho Ho.....


Feliz Navidad

photo by Elaine A. Russell

...working on the garage today... gathered a bunch of stuff to put on freecycle, and stuff to give to the contractor when he comes tomorrow to haul extra supplies .... and stuff to take photos of to list on craigslist.... is amazing... I can actually hang up all the tools on the wall... and stuff is back (mostly) where it belongs...

...and now I get to organize my studio better. This is awesome. I have been able to work on things... but it will be so much better when everything has a place and is in it..

tis the season

photo by Elaine A. Russell

Over the next few days I am going to try to post some holiday inspired photos... I took this one at Home Depot here in ABQ *(where else would you find poinsettias next to the cacti ?!).
This weekend has been a little busy... unloading dishes, washing stuff and putting it usual stuff. Today we got groceries and did some last minute holiday shopping. Saw Santa at the Mall.. when the hubby went to get his hair cut. ...the mall was crazy busy....
We also went to a local glass mosaic artist's house and got some wonderful equipment that I can't wait to play with... all in all... an excellent day.