Goddess approved....

---------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell with Holga digital effects

Usually I clean the house on Mondays.. but I have been pretty sick lately, and just wasn't up to it. So, fortunately, the laundry is mostly caught up, the dishes are caught up.. and my daughter swept the floors for me.
I got to thinking about things that I really really enjoy doing. I am a gardener. I love to dig my hands in the soil. Now, if you saw my yard, you would probably question my ability to actually do this... but.
At christmas time instead of have a large real tree, or a fake tree (last year I gave our tree and most all our decorations away to a family that needed it)....we got a 2 foot tall real pin tree in a pot from Home Depot. I have been trying to figure out the best place to put it in the yard... and the best place was always seeming to be where our peach tree was(it died last year). I really wanted to put the pine tree there.. but was afraid I wouldn't be able to pull up all the roots necessary to get the pine tree in.
Well ---- low and behold.. I went to try to dig up the roots... and it went surprisingly well. Apparently I had given the roots enough time to sufficiently rot so that they were easy to pull up. So. I got the little baby tree in the ground, pulled some weeds that were trying to come up in the area... and watered it.
Just as I finished, a very gentle rain came down and assisted in watering the baby tree.... Goddess approved.