

After a restful night's sleep in Indiana... I woke up early and headed out on the open road again. By late morning... I was sipping Starbuck's in Terre Haute~ it was awesome. Even Brina took a little siesta on the patio...

I really feel like I am running behind for some reason. I know that I am not "on a schedule"... but in the back of my mind... I am wanting to get home before my son and his wife have their precious baby. And I have had a sense of urgency... and underlying current of stress... this whole drive back.

I stopped at the Driftstone Pueblo... one of my fav places to look at stones, beads, feathers, jewelry... even flutes! This shop is in Illinois, and behind it is a wonderful lake area. I am told it is a good fishing area... but seeing as I didn't have my pole with me this trip (I know.. I know...)... I decided it was the perfect spot for some meditation.

And it was.... and it relieved me of alot of the urgency I had been feeling these past few days.

Tonight I am staying in a Holiday Inn Express in Springfield, Missouri(!!!)... and I am delighting in how wonderful it is. Brina enjoyed her portion of my KFC dinner... and is now happily sacked on the bed while I enjoy some great shows on the Food Network :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

fall foliage

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday's freak snowstorm, reminded me of how very short life really is... how quickly the season's can change... how temporary things truly are.
I love fall. I think it has alot to do with growing up in the NE... and having such glorious fall foliage every year. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. I usually am sooo incredibly happy this time of year. Today seems to be a black spot on an otherwise perfect sky. There is no reason for it. Sometimes it just happens I guess.
So-- rather than ramble on... I will stuff you full of pretty fall foliage pics that I took Tuesday at the entrance to the BioPark. I didn't have enough money to actually go in that day... so I took some shots around the parking complex and the entryway to the park.

leaf turning time

photo by Elaine A. Russell

I was reading Robert's blog (http://robertredus.wordpress.com/) this morning ... and for me, it felt like he was talking about making decisions.... making changes... being comfortable with the way things are heading. He closes with this quote:

“The most important thing to remember is this: To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become.”
--W.E.B. Du Bois

The quote really got to me. It's as if Du Bois was saying... make the decision you are comfortable with.... but make sure you know what you are getting into... because you will be changed. There is no going back.

Reminded me of the way the fall leaves are turning right now. It's not like the maple tree can decide that if it doesn't like that particular shade of orange-red... it can go back to being green for a bit. It has already changed. No going back. It will never be quite that shade of green again... at least not in the current incarnation.

Kinda like people. The interactions we have in our lives do change us. Sometimes not necessarily for the better... that is up to us and how we choose to deal with things.
But change us they do.