

I am not a horrifically politically oriented person, although once upon a time I did participate in a march on White House grounds... and talk before the Senate.

I am not a horrifically religious person... although I am very spiritually oriented, and have a strong belief system.

I am not prone to rants and raves... and yet... something has got to be done. Perhaps it is too late.
I am distressed beyond measure about the bees... the manatees... the fish... the crab... and the massive flocks of birds that have been dying in record number across the world. More so in the past few years.

It could be pollution, HAARP theories, radiation, sonic waves, some kind of weird experimentation or testing... who knows. It may just be as "simple" as man being so egotistical as a species ... that everything else is just running out of room and life by our own greed and consumption.
Who knows.
The point is... it's gotta stop. We must all be motivated to do what we can to limit our degradation of the world. We must take to heart, the re-use... re-purpose... recycle... mindset. To change our way of thinking... to change our way of living... to accomodate ALL living things.

Light a candle... say a prayer... do something pro-active.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


-----------------------------the Labyrinth at the Patterson Cancer Care Center

My back is not getting much better. I hate to admit it... but I don't think a trip to NYC is very feasible at this point... and I cried when I had to tell my daughter that we would not be going. I feel like I have let her down. I so desperately wanted to take her... it is something she would really like to do... and she has been such an amazing help and such a joy to be around... and I wanted to do something nice for her before we head home.

On the other hand... I am in no shape to be driving/ or riding ...and we should have left already if we were going to spend a day or two in NYC. Add to that the fact that last night my dad had some sort of weird episode that lasted until about 6am... and we were definately needed ... I feel like we can't leave just yet.

Today dad had his 2nd radiation appointment, and it seemed to go well. He is in significant pain... and his meds were adjusted again today to help with that. Coudersport is very fortunate to have the Patterson Cancer Care Center here. It is a huge blessing to so very many people here... and I can't imagine where my parents would be without it. For one, they would be forced to travel several hours to the next nearest cancer treatment facility... and I don't think that either of them would be able to do that.

Additionally... the staff there is amazing. They are extremely caring and knowledgable .... and go more than the extra effort to help people out. Today one of dad's doctors spent quite awhile chatting with my parents... making sure he was getting the care and the medications he needed... it is so very welcome and appreciated.

---->Link to online info on the Patterson Cancer Care Center: here

-----------------------all photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Patterson Cancer Center in Coudersport, PA


----------------------------------------turkey at a farm in Gold, PA

Today was an incredibly busy day. Dad had an appointment with his primary physician at 9am. It was good to be able to have a lengthy visit, and get everything straightened out.
From there... we had lunch at Fezz's Diner. I have mentioned Fezz's before.. it is a fantastic 50's diner just outside of town. My dad hadn't been there in quite awhile.. and actually felt up to staying for lunch.. so that was awesome.

Around Noon, he had his first infusion of Zemetta; which is an IV medication that helps with bone formation and strengthening... used primarily with cancer patients.

In the afternoon, my daughter and I went back to Gold, PA to drop items off at the Recycling Plant. It is a very pleasant drive. We stopped at the Gold General Store... just as quaint and old fashioned as you would imagine it to be.
Just past the Gold General Store; it a small farm... and in the front area were a stunning pair of turkeys.
In Colesburg, we stopped at the Wending Creek Farms to get fresh spring water for my parents. We filled several jugs.. and admired the spring beds of daffodils that were in full bloom.

We got back to Coudersport just in time to take my dad up for his first radiation appointment... and he seemed to do very well.... but by suppertime he was not feeling well. Assuming it was just the effects of a very busy day; he went to rest. By midnight.... he was running a fever.....

----------------------------------------all photos by Elaine A. Russell