

All I know is...
that I am here... in this moment...
at this place... at this time... and I am alright.
I am tired... so very tired... but I will be OK.

Today's ride in the country was preempted by a spontaneous picnic at a local park with my niece and her kids. We ended up completely surrounded by Jr. football players... random kids ... cheer leading tryouts... more people than I had imagined would be there. It was rather chaotic... and in a way... completely and utterly peaceful. And so... we had fried chicken... potato salad... fresh fruit... corn on the cob... and spice cake muffins. We watched the kids play.... and I got to wander thru the park taking photos ...and it was wonderful.

Sometimes the very thing you need... is the the thing you least expect...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday I had intended to do a blog post on Mitchell Park here in Coudersport. So many things were going on yesterday though... that by the time I sat down to post... I was too tired to think.

And so, today... I am trying to catch up a little.

There are 2 main parks in Coudersport. One is CARP (Coudersport Area Recreational Park)... where there is a track field, football field, picnic tables, swings, etc. It is a very nice area... and it is used alot by various organizations and such in town... as well as the general public.

The other park, is Mitchell Park. I believe it was named after Robert Mitchell and his wife Dorothy who used to live right across the street from the park. Mr. Mitchell was Mayor in Coudersport for several years... and they were an older couple when I was little... So I am assuming that it was either named for them, or for someone in their family. Unfortunately... I couldn't find any information to confirm or deny this on-line.... so... I am guessing.

At any rate... Mitchell Park is a nice smaller sized park right in town next to the town library. It has a covered pavilion with several picnic tables, and lots of vintage style rides and swings for little kids. Additionally, there are now 2 metal benches towards the back of the lot that overlook Mill Creek as it tumbles and wanders into town.

There is also a really cool bridge that runs across the river here; and connects to the back end of the property where the town pool is. This was an often used shortcut for many people in town.. myself included.

The photos for this post were all taken at Mitchell Park here in Coudersport... I hope you enjoy them...

rest well my friends.. wherever you are


What a busy, busy, day. I managed to get about 3hrs of sleep... and have been going ever since; in spite of having tried to take a nap at one point...

But it's been a good day. AND... it has been an even better one for my son... who bought his very first car today. He weighed all his options... figured out his budget.... made a plan... and went for it. All in a quite logical fashion... course... what he probably fell in love with ... is that it's a 5 speed and has a kick butt stereo and comfy seats. It is a super sexy... fuel miserly... affordable hunk of steel. Seriously. I hope he has as much fun with it; as I did with my first car.

First cars are like that. In fact.... firsts of any kind are awesome... (usually)... if only in the newness of things. I remember all too well the sheer joy in having new found freedom to basically go when I want; where I want... and not having to worry about catching a ride or whatever. And I am sure he will also feel the crunch when it comes to making his payments and buying his own gas and insurance... but that is part of life. At least... for alot of people. And it will make him stronger, and more independent... or more confident in his abilities and self sufficiency. And that is all good.

I feel like my kids are growing up so fast... and flying out on their own.... and all-in-all... doing OK.

Like the photo above... soaring high... and shining so bright.... and I couldn't be happier for them. I know... sappy....but true.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)