

Yesterday was pretty awesome. My daughter and I went out and about... and it started with a surprise visit above our driveway from a Red-Tailed Hawk. Apparently, the species is known to "winter" here... although I don't recall seeing one before. This handsome fellow made sure that I saw him... taking large circles just above our house several times... which allowed me to try and get a photo. I no sooner got a couple quick ones... when he decided to take off... but it was an amazing experience.

According to some on-line sources, Red tailed hawks symbolize not only acute focus of one's life purpose (and also being able to see the "big picture")... but also a greater intensity and energy for life.

Afterwards, we went and enjoyed a fabulous meal at The Olympia Cafe... where we devoured such delightful mouthfuls such as: beef gyros with tzatziki sauce, Avgolemono soup, tabouli, hummus and pita bread, falafel, dolmathes, baked eggplant... and turkish coffee for an excellent finish!
Everything was soooo good.

From there... I got my "every Halloween" reading... this time from one of the fine ladies at Abitha's Herbary. It was truly excellent... and I feel so much better about several things now. Call me stupid... but I do believe that some people certainly have this type of gift... and I feel the lady I spoke to is amongst them.

From there... we had just enough time to stop in to Buffalo Exchange for some funky clothes shopping... and then went on home... where the hubby had enjoyed a restful afternoon reading and gaming on-line. Thank goodness for weekends :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Somehow, I have managed to lose the better part of this weekend, although I am not sure how this has happened. I have been sick... headache, body aches, and with a fever off and on for several days now. Little things seem to take me forever to finish. It is very frustrating. I am sure it is my Lupus... agitated and spurred into action by allergies.
On the plus side... at least it is a familiar problem... and one I can deal with, no matter how annoying.

Today we had a wonderful visit from my fav aunt and uncle... and I have started reading a couple new books, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, and "Secrets of the Fire King" by Kim Edwards... and tonight I stopped at a local fav place of mine to take my photo for the day...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


As Batman says in "Batman: The Movie"... "...some days you can't get rid of a bomb!"
Today felt like that in alot of ways. It was one of those days when things just kept cropping up... and no matter how much you think you already did... there was always more. Actually... yesterday was worse..... so everything in perspective.
Some days are like that.

On the plus side... when we were "hanging out" at one of the doctor appointments, there was a huge window that gave us the view of a lovely garden... and we had a great time watching all the birds, as well as several chipmunks flitting about.

I think we are beginning to make some head-way on what seems to be an endless list of people and organizations that need notified after the death of a loved one. There is just a little bit more to go. Some of the info needs to be changed via snail mail... so that is coming as well.

And at night, as there is no TV here... and quite often no internet (ie: at my mother's house); I have been reading. This is not a bad thing. I have read several books as of late... most recently finishing one called "A HomeMade Life" by Molly Wizenberg. It was a very good read. As a bonus... each chapter includes at least one delicious recipe... which is just awesome. Makes me wish I was a better cook... or at least... at home. At any rate... I highly recommend it.
And now I am reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. So far... really good.
Both of these books talk about food... travel... and enriching your life in ways that are meaningful to you. Life is so short... and can really be complicated at times... and how wonderful is it that even in the worst of times, something as simple as a well made cup of tea ... or a scone... or even a salad... can make the whole day seem a bit more hopeful.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


One of the assets of living here is that we have a pretty good library system. The library here has always been really good about trying to get new and sought-after books and media... and often have to rely on annual sales to supplement funding. I am not sure how they do what they do.

My family has always been full of readers. I remember being quite young, and taking my weekly walk to the library to get a paper bag full of paperbacks for my grandmother to read. My father often times would read at least one book a day... even after working long hours at the factory. My sister and my brother both loved to read; and passed on that love to their kids. I am a big reader myself... and try to read at least 10-20 books a month. I actually prefer magazines alot of the time... and usually on the weekly dates with my hubby, we go thru the magazines for the month over a cup of coffee or two.

I believe that the library here is having a book sale tomorrow... and I wish them the very best... and hope to get up there myself at some point. For it is partially thru reading... that we continue to learn and grow as a people.... something I think we all tend to take for granted at times.

the year's top 5 -- words that is

photo by Elaine A. Russell

Words interest me. I am not a writer by any stretch (as you may have guessed).... but I do love to read (hence the rather large "books I've recently read" list on my sidebar). I will be the first to admit that grammar and punctuation are not exactly my strong suites... although I do try.

So... it was interesting to note this article today on a Google search I did----

According to this site: the top 5 words of the year 2009 are:

1. Twitter
2. Obama
3. H1N1
4. Stimulus
5. Vampire

I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the top 5 listings.

Twitter, Facebook, Kindles, Nooks, etc... as well as Ipods and Iphones are all the rage..... ObamaMania has been a HUGE topic for the past year....and of course.. who doesn't know someone attacked with the H1N1 virus?

Stimulus.. the economy... business rises and fails... all a worry ... and Vampires!!! Whodathunk? Having never read the "Twilight" series.... I cannot say first hand... but I know many people who have raved over it.... and just as many who haven't. But it is certainly a topic of discussion....

So-- here's to some good reading... and (hopefully) good writing in the year 2010.

Check this out!

And this one: