Sometimes change can be totally seamless. It's rather amazing in a way. It's as if the very thing you are looking for presents itself... whether or not you realize at that moment that that... is the very thing you are indeed looking for. It's almost serendipitous.
Sometimes life can be a struggle... you push and push ...and try and try... and things just don't fit. And then there are times when everything is so effortless and easy. Today was one of those days. In fact, if I were to look back on the vast amount of change I have experienced this year... it actually makes sense... there is almost a pattern to the way things have played out. Yet... most all along the way... it seemed so much of a struggle.
Like the red-tailed hawk I mentioned in a previous post... it seems as if today the blinders came off, and I can almost see the "big picture".... along with all the little details. Incredible.