

One of the things that I think held me back artistically for a long time... was this preconceived notion I had, that to be an artist you had to specialize in something. ONE thing.
As in... I make jewelry. Or... I carve walking sticks. Or... I am a photographer.

Well... that is not me. Perhaps I have schizophrenic tendencies... but I feel like I wear alot of different hats. I am a photographer. Yes, I also draw. Oh... and I have been making jewelry since 1995. And... well... I have quilted and done embroidery of all kinds since the 70's. Plus.. wait... I have studied herbology and know how to make all kinds of potions and lotions that would make my Irish gypsy ancestors proud (I hope). I believe in recycling and re-purposing items... and incorporate them into all kinds of paper goods, mixed media, collage and more.

So where did that leave me?! Be it good or bad... this notion was also supported by several other artists I knew ... and it sort of re-enforced this idea ... which meant in my little brain... that I must not really be an artist. I was simply someone who liked to do alot of different stuff... but didn't really excel at much of anything.

Well. For those of you who may be reading this and wondering... yes, you can be an artist... and STILL do alot of different kinds of art/ craft.
And so... I bring you... samples of some of my "stuff"... (beading, wire-wrapping, metal fabrication, resin, altered and more)... and prayer beads of all faiths...

... all kinds of recycled paper goods such as envelopes, collage, mixed media, and more...

...making birdhouses, birdfeeders, and carved walking sticks...

...crochet... needlework... and quilting...
OH! ... and I like to take pictures :)

((all photos by Elaine A. Russell -- except the last one... which was taken by BAJ))

the Monte Vista Mercado -- part 2 the continuing story.... I was wandering around the mercado... in awe.. and somewhat stunned by all the wonderful art. Here is some more!

Don't forget to check out these fabulous artists.... and BUY HANDMADE

artwork by the folks at OffCenter Arts (

art by the folks at ArtStreet ( )

Buck Naked Stuff (

artwork by MariaTeresa Stoa

artwork by Elizabeth Howard-Forbes (

soft toys by Animal Crackers, and wreathes by Susan (

paper arts, assemblage and mixed media by The Queen Bea (

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

The Monte Vista Mercado -- holiday show

Yesterday I went to the 15th Annual Art and Craft Show at Monte Vista Elementary School. Having never been before; I wanted to look up information about it on the web... but I think it must be one of those "best kept -- local secrets" kind of shows that gets passed on by word of mouth. There were tons of people there... and lots of very happy vendors.

Because there was soooooooooo much wonderfulness at the show; I am going to spread the love over a couple of posts so that I can devote a bit more time to each of the artists I happened to talk with. I apologize in advance for not being able to get ALL the goodness that was there.. this is simply SOME of it. I have added links where I can... please tell the artists you saw their work here :) ... and BUY HANDMADE

(♥ and just an aside to the organizers of the show-- it was fabulous!! and I hope to show with you someday ♥)

artwork by Tamara Totoro Dick (

artwork by Pati Woodard (

artwork and art journals by Lisa Gallup (

artwork by Annie Onderdonk (

art jewelry by Cheryl Thorpe (

art jewelry by Phoenix Forrester ( )

artwork by Josie Mohr (

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell .... tune in tomorrow for more ♥

part 3: NM State Fair

photos by Elaine A. Russell

So -- when we last left off... Jim and Elaine were foraging the NM State Fair for sweets and treats :)
And now, ladies and gentlemen... I bring you to the highlight of the fair for most people... the rides and games.
The hubby and I are not ones to usually ride the rides... or play the games... but we do look at everything. And I have had a long fascination with the carousel, so we actually spent alot of time at the 2 different carousels at the State Fair. Plus.. there were lots of shows: Winn's Thrill Show, The Marcan Tiger Preserve, Valentine's Performing Pigs, The Dock Dogs, and The Latest in Game Technology shows. And music ! (too many performers to list).

We strolled around the midway for a couple of hours... taking way too many pictures of rides in action. I was amazed to see some features/ spectacles ... of shows I remember when I was a kid. Such as: the World's smallest Horse, the tiniest woman... etc. The posters for these events seemed straight out of Guinness Book.
Then there were the usual roller coaster type rides, twisting type rides, the epic fall type rides.... you name it. And the Ferris wheel.... the old-time favorite. I love taking photos of Ferris wheels.. so we spent some time there too.

I talked at length to a couple of the "carnies".... both of whom were looking forward to the end of the fair season to go home to their families before the next fair tour in another town. When I was little.. I remember that one of my cousins actually ran away and joined the circus. He spent a couple years cleaning and taking care of the elephants... then we lost track of him. At any rate... I always had a soft spot for the workers at such carnivals.

Anyway.. so there you have it. A magical time at the NM State Fair. Hope you all had a good time... I know I did :)

part 2: The NM State Fair

photos by Elaine A. Russell

After seeing all the art exhibits, our attention turns to the critters at the McDonald's Barn....after all, who can resist baby animals ?? Besides, it's my duty to vote for the baby bunnies as being the cutest. ((bunny lovers unite))

This year, it was actually a tough call for me, because they had brought in a mommy pig and her newborn babies. Gotta say... the pigs were adoreable. They also had chicks, baby ducks, pheasants, roosters, young calves, young kid goats, miniature horses, puppies and kittens.

From there... it was all about the food. Ya gotta love going to State Fair's for the food. Corndogs, frito pies, Indian tacos, french fries, turkey legs.... and our yearly quest... Corn on the cob. I'm talking fresh picked corn on the cob... smathered in butter and sprinkled with lemon pepper seasoning.

Sated and satisfied.... we wandered about looking at the booths of junk fair food. Deep fried oreos, deep fried twinkies..... eesh. Sounds like a heart attack on a stick... and yet, I was tempted to try one. Cotton candy, pretzles, popcorn... Tom Tom mini donuts ! We got a bag and sat on the benches to enjoy their sugary goodness.

And of course, the night doesn't end until you enjoy that last bit of funnel cake.....

More tomorrow on the rides and games !

the NM State Fair

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Fairs and carnivals have always held an interesting allure for me. Aside from a deathly distaste/ distrust of clowns.... it is heaven on a stick. And even the clowns are cool in a macabre point of view.
So it was with great excitement that the hubby and I went on our yearly excursion to the NM State Fair.

We usually have a few goals in mind:
  • see the art exhibits
  • see the baby animals (*must vote for the bunnies)
  • get fair food (especially corn on the cob and funnel cake)
  • take photos
  • come home happy and satisfied
And, not unlike in years past... we stayed from mid-afternoon til way after dark.

This year, I was taking photos with a camera that I had only had for about an hour... so I was a bit nervous as to how the photos would actually turn out. But we plunged on in anyway.

First stop was the art exhibits. Wow. I am constantly amazed at the talent here in NM. In the Fine Arts building, we saw gorgeous paintings, cool stained glass and fused glass pieces, mixed media art, and some awesomely cool metal mesh sculptures of the human form. What was so very cool about them, was not just that they were extremely well done... but because of the way they cast these fantastic shadows on the walls. Wow. Unfortunately, no pics allowed in that building.

From there we went to the crafts building. We saw everything from woodcarving, stained glass, dolls, quilts, homemade jams, needlework, coins, altered books and jewelry. And one of our favorite exhibits.. the LEGOS. Demonstrations were being held on woodcarving and book-making. I was able to make a little hand bound book in about 5 minutes (with expert help from LIBROS guild members).(( and one member's site: ))

The photography was displayed this year in the African Arts building. Another WOW. Truly, some excellent stuff out there... and I recognised some names from local FlickR groups.

More on the fair tomorrow !!!


------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

so... I don't know if you know this about me... but I do a little bit of everything when it comes to crafts. I can crochet, sew, do needlework, collage, woodworking, wood carving, sketching, quilting, pressing flowers, assemblage, tile mosaics, ... whatever. None of it extremely well, mind you. Just well enough to have fun with it and make things on occasion.

Lately, I have been on a quest of sorts to use up alot of the stuff I have lying about. First of all... to (hopefully) make some money... but also for the shear benefit of using up stuff and cleaning out. I love working with materials that have been recycled... in fact, that seems to be the running thread throughout most all of my work.

I have alot of magazines. I mean ALOT. Like a 48 gallon tub full of vintage National Geographic magazines, etc. Now.. I love collage. And I do quite a bit of collage. But you can only use so much before it begins to take over the house.

The past couple of days, I have been taking some of the more interesting magazines and making envelopes. I have made envelopes from a wonderful FRENCH photography magazine, envelopes from an awesome JAPANESE model/ animation magazine, a whole bunch of envelopes from a quilting magazine, and a whole bunch of envelopes from vintage 1960's photo magazines.

The photo above is a sample of some of the Japanese envelopes.