---such a busy weekend..... yesterday the hubby and I went to the Psychic Fair at the ABQ Garden Center on Lomas. It was simply fabulous. So many cool things to look at.. and I got my yearly Samhain tarot reading for the upcoming year :)
More on that later ....
Early this am, had to take the hubby to the airport for another out of state work-related trip. ergh. He is, however, going to be able to see some family while there.. so that is awesome.
This afternoon-- a friend and I went to the Tome Gallery to see their Day of the Dead festivities. Lots of great art.. lots of great food... lots of great people. I will definitely be posting more on this later on in the week.
Then.... we made it back to ABQ in time for the Dia de Los Muertos Parade in the South Valley. Freakin' awesome.
So-- provided any of the pics I took turn out... there will be lots to play around with this week for blog posts. But for now... hot chai and bed :)