Offcenter Arts


photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- a day of rest. Real rest. Awesome. And I am dancing inside. Actually... I am dancing on the outside too... it's just not a pretty picture.

Things are beginning to look up
  • I've managed to have some pretty fabulous shows the past couple months. Not so much in terms of money.. but in positive feedback
  • I am coming to terms with this new life as an artist
  • money issues that have plagued us for over 15yrs... are finally (maybe) being resolved
  • we have the opportunity to fix up our house !! Woo Hoo !! we may have a working sink again
  • the kiddos are doing well in college
  • the hubby is well
  • good friends... good times

The photos shows 2 of the girls in the Rogue Bindis that showed at the Offcenter Arts festival on Sunday. You can see more at:

We Art the People Show yesterday

photos by Elaine A. Russell

The festival yesterday was awesome. Sometimes I really want to kick myself. I have lived her since 1995, and there are things that I just never got around to seeing or hearing about. Probably because I was working so much, so hard, for so long.
Now -- I seem to have (or is it make) more time for things like this.

The premise behind Offcenter Arts is a noble one. Providing a place to make and create art for little or no money.. to take classes in art and techniques .... to provide an art community if you will, to everyone regardless of race, orientation, income, etc.
The festival is a celebration. The music was fantastic... the parade of HUGE handmade puppets was extraordinary .. the food and variety of vendor booths -- fantastic.

As a vendor, I was thrilled that so many people took the time to look and really see... touch... and talk about my art. That was awesome. I enjoyed the comraderie from several other booth vendors... as well as customers. During a couple of "breaks" away from my booth ...I was able to leisurely wander about. There was alot of jewelry (which I make.. so I wanted to see what else was out there ). However, I was surprised --especially considering the audience and local economics... that things were priced as high as they were. Don't misunderstand.. I think that art (generally speaking) can be horribly under-priced and under-valued. But I was surprised that people weren't providing a variety or items at all price points. I heard several vendors chatting about how they weren't selling as much as they had hoped to be. ... and yet, were primarily offering items over $50.

I was impressed by the shear vastness of the variety of items shown. Everything from handmade purses, to hats, to birdhouses, to paintings, to wood carvings, to glass mosaics, to silk scarves, to hand woven rugs, to handmade paper arts and recycle arts.
I wish that I had taken photos of some of the vaiety of crafts.... but alas... I did not.

I was also impressed by how nice people were. Just ... genuinely nice. Taking the time to talk to people.. to enjoy the music... to take in all the art.
Another great day.

We Art the People show

photo taken inside Saggios Restaurant on Central Ave
... by Elaine A. Russell

Well.. today is the We Art the People Show -- sponsored by Offcenter Arts (
  • When: 10 am - 5pm
  • Where: Robinson Park ( Central Ave and 8th Streets in downtown ABQ )
  • What: Over 100 vendor booths, as well as The 7th Annual Giant Puppet, music, theater, & spontaneous fun.

I got about an hour of sleep last night. I had moved Buffy ( the problem dog -- cuz she's a spaz ) into our bedroom to get her used to the idea of not being in my son's room at night anymore. Well... she did not sleep... and neither did I. The hubby had to get up for work at 2:30am *don't ask* I just got up with him and worked on cleaning, organizing and packing things up for the show today.

If you get a chance, come on down. It looks like it's going to be alot of fun :)