Santa Fe

re-model monday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today ... the kitchen re-model has started. Did I mention how chaotic things can be? We weren't sure the guys were coming, so when they showed up this am... we asked them to go get coffee and come back. Then, the hubby and I completely emptied the kitchen, packing all the dishes and food etc in about 45 minutes.
As I sit here at my computer, I am watching the guy use a reciprocating saw to tear out walls, cupboards, shelving and more.... it is amazing. Course, it's also kind of frightening to see what was underneath the cupboards... but I digress.

In light of this... I am posting nice... pretty ... scenic pictures from the other day when I was up in Santa Fe.

~~~ Have a great Monday y'all

Laura's house....

*photo by Elaine A. Russell

So... Laura is a very interesting person. The daughter of 2 avid antique collectors... she said she never anticipated going into the "family business." In fact, she said she went in the opposite direction, becoming a clinical psychologist. She has 4 degrees, and an insatiable curiosity about the world.. and the people in it. She is also a fantastic artist herself.
Her home is also her place of business, with several rooms devoted to the "collections" that people come from far and wide to see and buy portions of. She caters primarily to collectors, enthusiasts, and artists. Drawers, shelves, cupboards, closets... even entire rooms are full of interesting items.

It is easy to lose track of time in a place like this. Believe me. Hours went by like mere minutes.
More tomorrow.. but in the meantime.. enjoy :)

I am also including a link to a video from YouTube that shows an interview with Laura.. and it helps explain things so much better than I could.

YouTube Interview:

glorious black friday

"Archie" ... Laura's awesome puppy. Photos by Elaine A. Russell

Sooooooooooooooo much goodness today. Today, a friend and I went up to Santa Fe to go to
Laura E. Stanziola's place. Laura is a collector extraordinaire, who happens to have made a business selling all the cool things she finds. Just about anything you could possibly be looking for; she has... and it's all catalogued. ... and organized.

Bones, beads, bobbles, bits, bullets, board games, baby dolls, books, balls, blankets, bottles... and that's just the B's. ........Fabulous!

As a bonus... the trip up, and the trip back was stunning... the light, the weather, the scenery...just awesome. Then we stopped at a cool little market for home-made tamales and beef jerky.

Tomorrow, I will hopefully have more pics from her place... but for now....."Archie" says hello :)

Recycle Show: Part 3

The journey home to ABQ from Santa Fe was a joy. The Railrunner is a wonderful experience ...comfy, fun, and with stunning scenery. I have always loved trains. As a kid, the C & PA railroad went thru my hometown... the tracks ran right near my house ... so I got to see it everyday. In fact, my husband's grandfather was a conductor...waving to us kids at lunchtime as the train rolled through...

So-- the photos for today's post hopefully bespeak of the coolness and grandeur that is the Railrunner Station here in ABQ.

"The station reflects the architecture of the Transportation Center’s main building, which itself is reminiscent of the last big heyday of rail travel in Albuquerque. In the early 1900’s, the Alvarado Hotel, a showpiece in its day, stood right where the Transportation Center stands today. The Alvarado served as the hub of the main mode of transportation in the era – the passenger train. Today, the Alvarado Transportation Center is at the crossroads of some dramatic downtown redevelopment, ushering in a new system of passenger rail service." (

coming back into ABQ

part of the old Alvarado Station section

the front facade

... and one of the archways.... looking towards a NM sunset....
* all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Recycle Show -- Part 2

a portion of a mixed media work by Leighanna Light

jewelry by Darlene Fortier

Silverware Creations by "The Cat and the Fiddle"

I fell in love with these ... paintings by a co-op group called "Humble Works"

fantastical works by S. D. Meadows

Jewelry art by Kristin Deiner

The show was incredible. I can hardly stand it. So many things to look at.. so many things to be inspired by. And so many artists not represented here :( , as recorded by my trusty little camera.
But there will be other shows, and other chances....
And in the meantime... go make something !
**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Recycle Show -- Part 1

So-- I am going to try to show you some of the deliciousness that was the Annual Santa Fe Recycle Show, which was last weekend.

When I started making art from recycled materials about 15yrs ago... I thought I was a freak of nature. And frankly, so did a lot of my friends (artsy ones included). I persevered anyway... cuz that's the way I am. I made birdhouses, bird feeders, carved walking sticks with embellishments, collaged objects and pieces on wood, mixed media pieces, jewelry from found objects and re-purposed items, and recycled paper envelopes. But I still figured I was out of the loop in the art world.... until I went to this show.

Walking into this show was like finding OZ....... No need to click my heels... I was home.

This lady made fashion bags, totes and wallets from recycled plastic bags, vinyl pieces and more.

Lane Patterson's lamps... made from recycled parts, tin cans, metal pieces.....

Bates Wilson.... art from recycled car and motorcycle parts, signs.. etc

paper mache and paper art... not sure who made them... but I love them....

These night lights and incandescent lights are made from pieces of slag glass. They were brought by a husband-wife team.. and the wife also made jewelry from wire-wrapping broken glass shards into lovely necklaces and earrings.

just a snippet of the stash from Laura E. Stanziola....a wonderful artist's resource for all kinds of recycled materials....

More tomorrow !!
and see even more at
**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Santa Fe Farmer's Market

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

ok. So yesterday I posted about the ride on the RailRunner up to Santa Fe.. the goal being.. to go to the annual Recycle Show there.
But ... whoa... wait a minute. There was also a Farmer's Market going on! Apparently, every Sunday, there is what is called the "Sunday Community Fair" in addition to the Farmer's Market.
So... we are talking .... tons of fresh, organic, local produce... as well as handmade items, soaps, bags, books and more. All around the rail station were booths outside, and then inside this huge warehouse... were tons more of booths. Now.. combine that with street artists, and musicians.... and free samples ??!!
Now you get the idea.

Needless to say, we got a little side-tracked from the Recycle Show and explored here first....

fresh organic Dakon radishes

gorgeous chile ristras

organic apple cider slushies

and fresh, home-made bread

To see more about the market in Santa Fe:

ABC Wednesday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell (click on pics to see them bigger)

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "R".

"R" is a pretty easy letter to try and come up with a post for... and therein lay my dilemma. Too many choices....

On Sunday I went to Santa Fe for the annual Recycle Show. I have never been before... and it makes me want to cry. The potential I missed!!! If you have never been.. .I highly recommend making the trip. Some friends and I chose to ride the Railrunner up to Santa Fe from Albuquerque.

On an aside.. I absolutely LOVE trains... so this was a huge *bonus* for me.

The station itself is gorgeous, and the ride up was full of great conversation, comfy seats, and stunning scenery.

Today's photos are just a sneak peak at the ride up. ... more to come on the actual show... and on the ride back :)

To see more on this great train ride:

If you had wings to FLY

----------------------------------------photo by Elaine Russell

About a month ago, I was fortunate enough to go with a local FlickR photo group to the NM State Penitentiary. The site was the location of the worst riot in NM history.
It is now derelict, but was an awesome location to photograph in.
Many, many thanks to our guide for the day RICH.

This photo was taken in the prison chapel. Someone had apparently found the wings from a pidgeon, and placed them in an altar like fashion in a set of stained glass windows.
This was going to be another entry into the Art of the Shrine show... but alas.
I call it "If you had wings to FLY"