

I love Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/). I sold on Ebay for 10yrs, and ended up moving most all my sales onto Etsy... which caters more to the handmade and unique... whereas Ebay now tends to cater to bulk sellers and mass marketing (how sad).

One of the beauties of Etsy is the vast selection of handmade items... everything from soup to nuts! (quite literally in fact).

And so tonight... I worked for quite awhile listing some handmade stuff in my Etsy store.

... In my store; I list handmade items: crocheted scarves, cell phone charms, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, cuff links, earrings... art and photography...

...as well as vintage items and vintage jewelry...

... my handmade envelopes, recycled paper art, etc...

And tonight I created my very first treasury... which is more or less... a collection of some of my favorite Etsy finds... that may get featured on the front page... It was fun!
((see it HERE))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

time, time, time...........

photo by Elaine A. Russell

Where has the time gone? Exactly one year ago today, I started this blog. I have posted every single day since. Wow. 365 posts. And pics on every one!!!

When I first started this blog, my goal was to get some of my photography out there in cyber space so that people could see it... and hopefully enjoy it.
The response has been fabulous. Beyond my expectations for this humble little site. At one point; I was getting over 800 hits a day....I have since stopped looking. I figured I would either get discouraged by the drop-off, or anxious as to how to keep hits up.

It has been a very interesting year. One full of enlightenment, fulfillment, joys and wonders.
I hope that you will stay with me over the course of this next year... who knows what will happen?
OR where this journey will take us.

In celebration of my blog anniversary... I am going to be giving away 9 gifts to 9 lucky winners. ( in honor of this year 2009). All you have to do... to be entered in the "running"... is to send me a note at moongipsies@msn.com.
Let me know what you like/ don't like about my blog... things I could do to make it better, etc
Oh! and let me know if you have a preference on any particular gift you may get :)
Prizes may include: a handmade scarf, an OOAK art piece, a fine art photograph, a handmade piece of jewelry, a stash of supplies for crafts.... who knows....

(winners will be notified on January 9th. Submissions for the give-aways...must be in by January 9th at 9am).

The Monte Vista Mercado -- holiday show

Yesterday I went to the 15th Annual Art and Craft Show at Monte Vista Elementary School. Having never been before; I wanted to look up information about it on the web... but I think it must be one of those "best kept -- local secrets" kind of shows that gets passed on by word of mouth. There were tons of people there... and lots of very happy vendors.

Because there was soooooooooo much wonderfulness at the show; I am going to spread the love over a couple of posts so that I can devote a bit more time to each of the artists I happened to talk with. I apologize in advance for not being able to get ALL the goodness that was there.. this is simply SOME of it. I have added links where I can... please tell the artists you saw their work here :) ... and BUY HANDMADE

(♥ and just an aside to the organizers of the show-- it was fabulous!! and I hope to show with you someday ♥)

artwork by Tamara Totoro Dick (mctvdick@comcast.net)

artwork by Pati Woodard (http://tomegallery.net/patispage.htm)

artwork and art journals by Lisa Gallup (spiritthing@comcast.net)

artwork by Annie Onderdonk (Annie5727@gmail.com)

art jewelry by Cheryl Thorpe (cthorpe@myartisticoutlet.com)

art jewelry by Phoenix Forrester (http://www.phoenixforrester.com/index.html )

artwork by Josie Mohr (graficjam@yahoo.com)

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell .... tune in tomorrow for more ♥