ABC wednesday

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas

photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's a wonderful time of year... and Santa has been spotted at various locals here in ABQ...

Time to get the tree trimmed...the wreathe on the door.... the lights in the windows....ham in the oven... music playing.... fire in the fireplace..... stockings hung with care.... lists made and checked twice (have you been naughty or nice?).....cookies baked....loved ones loved... and a chill is in the air...maybe some snow? .... or a little Ho Ho Ho.....


ABC Wednesday

photos by Elaine A. Russell

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "V".

I have chosen to "focus" on the word Vision. The word Vision, is both a noun and a verb.

Function: noun
1. a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality
2. a series of often striking pictures created by the imagination during sleep
3. the ability to see
4. the soul of a dead person thought of especially as appearing to living people

Function: verb
Meaning: to form a mental picture of

I have always had issues with my vision. I started wearing glasses in 3rd grade because my teacher pointed out to my parents that even though I was in the front row of the class; that I could not see the chalkboards. Over the years, it progressed to the point where --for years now, I have been considered legally blind, with a fairly pronounced astigmatism.
Back in October, I went to my local eye doctor's... who told me that my eyesight was at the point where they could no longer give me an accurate prescription. So, I went to an eye surgeon. He clarified things for me. My prescription is such that I can no longer wear lightweight lens... which means coke bottle glass lenses. And... I am at the point where I probably would benefit from wearing trifocals. eesh.
But... my other choice... is eye surgery. Not Lasik ( my eyes wouldn't benefit from that particular surgery).. but another laser surgical procedure. With that surgery, my eyesight may not be perfect... but I would be able to see my clock when I wake up at night... which I have NEVER been able to do.
The catch? It's not a procedure covered by insurance, and I would have to come up with the money myself. The really good news?? Payment plans.
So... after the first of the year.. I will be making an appointment to see about having the surgery.
I mention this all.. not just because it's a perfect word for ABC Wednesday... but because I am an artist, photographer and jewelry maker. My vision (being able to see) is essential to my work. But also my vision (images created by the imagination) is foremost in my thoughts as I create pieces of art. Both have been a bit lacking lately... and it is my hope that with the new year coming.... this will be my new "focus."

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "U".

For this week's post... I went with UNIQUE UNIVERSE.

What a wonderful wonderful world we live in. Everyday I am amazed and in awe at the stunning array of wonders around me. I love to go to art shows and events... and this too, brings about feelings of joy and fulfillment as I see all the creations people come up with.

Today's photos... are of some really unique pieces of art that I saw on my last round of gallery visits this past Friday. I have included links to the galleries they are shown in.

artwork by Robert Redus

DreamScapes Gallery (

artwork by Nick Harmon

Chroma Studios (

Harwood Art Center (

artwork by Susan Reid
The Matrix Fine Art Gallery (

artwork by Dennis Larkin
5G Gallery at the Factory on 5th (

artwork by Wes Pullka

Quilt by Jane Lueras

N4th Gallery at VSA ( )

artwork by Cynthia Cook

Mariposa (

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "T".

"TightRope" by Elaine A. Russell

As I was coming back to ABQ from Santa Fe last week, the sun was shining ever so eloquently on the telephone wires alongside the road. As a photographer, it is not an easy thing to photograph; especially from the passenger seat of a vehicle driving at 65mph or so, down the road....

But it touched a nerve in me; and I had to try.

I had a cousin that ran away and joined the circus when he was a teenager. Story has it; that he became "chief pooper scooper" to the elephants... but I preferred a more romantic end....becoming a fire eater or a tightrope walker. I don't recall anyone ever hearing from him I do not know his true fate.

Story also has it that my grandmother's family came from Irish gypsy heritage... and I do know that my grandfather's family name was Appleby... of Appleby Fair... where the Rom gather yearly to race horses, barter and trade in the English countryside.

So-- I tend to dream in the colors of festivals, circus tents, Romany fires and such. And it was with such a dream fresh on my mind that I worked on the photo for today's posting.

I hope you like it.

(photo from Wikipedia)

"Maria Spelterini is walking across a tightrope across the Niagara Gorge, from the United States side to Canada, with her feet in peach baskets. In the background is the Niagara Suspension Bridge, which is full of spectators. In the distant background is the Niagara Falls. (8 July 1876)"

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "S".
"S" is a pretty easy letter to try and come up with a post for... and therein lay my dilemma. Too many fabulous and creative choices. I thought about doing something with "shadows".. or I could do something about my love of stones, or stitching (needlework), or the saxophone.....

And yet, I wanted to do something a bit different, a bit unexpected....and I saw this grouping of words.....

selenic: of, like or pertaining to the moon
selenocentric: relating to the moon as a centre; as seen from the centre of the moon
selenodesy: study of the shape and features of the moon
selenography: description of the moon's surface
selenolatry: worship of the moon
selenology: study of the moon
selenomancy: divination by studying the moon
selenoscope: instrument for viewing the moon

Which would make for a fabulous post... except that I really don't have any good pictures of the moon to go with it....other than this shot I took with the hazy moon peaking through some dark clouds as the sun was setting in the Sandias....

And so............. I will sigh... and leave you with a symphonic rendering of a song... by the stunningly sweet Muppets....or maybe that's just too silly :)

ABC Wednesday

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "O".

Today there were just soooo many choices.... organic, ochre, orange, omnipotent.....olive, opalescent, owl, ozone, ort.....

In the end, my word choice was:
Oratory: Etymology: Middle English oratorie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin oratorium, from Latin orare. Date: 14th century
: a place of prayer; especially : a private or institutional chapel

To go with this word, I decided on photos I took at the Los Poblanos Ranch this weekend. It is a totally organic farm, inn, shop, heritage house, and lands located here in ABQ.
To me.... this garden area is an oratory. It definately feels like a sacred place of prayer to me... enveloped in gorgeous cottonwood trees, falling golden leaves, peaceful winds, and the sound of songbirds.

To see more on this fabulous place:

ABC Wednesday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "N".

nemophilist -- Ne*moph"i*list\, n. [See Nemophily.] One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods. [R.] ; one who loves the woods

I am a HUGE fan of the woods. Yes.... a "haunter", a wanderer, a wannabe biologist and/or botanist, one who is profoundly at home in the middle of trees (and ferns!).

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "M".

Today... I am posting a pic of the MIGHTY OAK. I have always loved trees, and the oak is a shining example of stature, strength and stability.

"Mighty oaks from little acorns grow" is a phrase often heard (at least when I was in grade school), but today it really brings me comfort. I may be small in this big wide world, but it is still possible to do great things, see great things, and rise out of the dirt.

In Celtic mythos, "The oak is a living legend representing all that is true, wholesome, stable, and noble. When you are in need of stability and strength in your life - envision the oak in your minds eye. Picture yourself drawing into its endless energy waves. Soon, you will find yourself sharing in its power. "

*photo by Elaine A. Russell