
photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last night I was digging through some of my photos... and I came across this one. I took this back in 1990. I had just finished up my photography classes, and had gotten my diploma through the NYI. I had an old Nikon 35mm camera with a single lens; which I adored. We happened to be living in Biloxi, MS where my hubby was stationed with the USAF. At that time, I was shooting primarily with infrared black and white film, and was doing all my own processing and developing... and then I was hand coloring my photos for a unique look.

And here I am ... some 20 years later ... still in love with photography.

Tonight was my last night of classes with Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It has been a wonderful ride. I have met some truly wonderful people; who also happen to be very talented artists... and I have really enjoyed the camaraderie. Cynthia is a fabulous teacher, and I hope to take one of her classes again in the future.

More than anything else; I think this class has taught me to trust my inner voice (at least when it comes to making my own art). No one can decide (better than me)... the paths I want to venture down as an artist. What I make may not be the most market-able, the most sell-able, the most appealing to the masses.... but it's mine. I make art because I cannot NOT make art. I take photos and make jewelry because I have to. It is in my soul. It is an essential part of my being. And I love what I do.