

Overwhelmed. Seems to be my word for the day. Overwhelmed with things to do... people to see... stuff to take care of... and I am sick. Overwhelmed with news from home... missing my kids and hubby... and news of a HUGE payment on a new water treatment system (*apparently ours died when the city was flushing the lines... and my dear hubby had it replaced yesterday). I am tapped. Broke. Broken.

Tea. Sometimes what I need to do is sit with a warm cup of tea and try to remember that things will work out. Don't know when... don't know how. I just have to believe it. And so... I am trying... (and a cookie can't hurt...)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


.........................................................................photo by Elaine A. Russell

I am swamped. Simply swamped. I am planning on making another roadtrip to PA... and am tentatively leaving on Monday. My Dad is hoping to get discharged from the hospital this coming friday.... and I want to be there to help my folks get back home... and begin the recuperation/rehab/etc.
So... I have a HUGE list of things I have to try and get done around the house.... things done in my studio..... things ready to pack... things to mail out (things sold and such).... it's insane.

I had hoped to have a bit more time to rest and get over this Lupus flare... but such is the way things go sometimes. And so... I am leaving perhaps a bit more tired, a bit more sore, a bit overweight... and a bit overwhelmed.

It's frustrating... as I had planned on participating in a couple photo shows in the next month... and I had to cancel. And... the money I am using to travel on... was set aside for painting the inside of our house.....But... I also believe that things work out the way they are supposed too... so I am looking forward to the adventure of it all.

And so........... I am heading off to bed... in hopes of waking up early-ish.... and hopefully getting alot done tomorrow.