
66:365 (for Sunday)

---------------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

so.. in my mad rushing about; I actually forgot to write a post for yesterday. I think that may have been the first time ever that I missed a blog post... in the entire 430some posts I've written so far.

So. Yesterday.... I did manage to get an enormous amount of stuff done... thanks in great part to my family... who pitched in. I got my hair cut... got groceries... cleaned the car... transplanted a bunch of plants into new dirt that needed transplanted...swept the patios... cleaned the entire house... gathered garbage.... did laundry... did cooking for the week so that the boys didn't have to.... did dishes...did my business taxes for the quarter... mailed out some packages from sales and such...and burned a bunch of cds worth of photos for people.

I have been very fortunate in the past few months, and have had people request permission to use my photos for their websites, etc (Los Poblanos, ABQ Trolley Co, South Broadway Cultural Center, the Santa Fe Recycle Show folks, and the guy we hired to do our kitchen remodel)... so that has been absolutely incredible. Yesterday, I got all the photos burned onto cds and mailed out (thanks to my hubby who did the actual burning).

It was simply amazing. I have been sick for long enough... that I had gotten way behind on the everyday stuff that it takes to manage a house, etc... and it was kinda overwhelming in what all I had gotten behind on. .. or at least it felt that way.

When my son got home from work... he went out and not only got me an ice cold coke... but he bought me a snazzy food cooler for the car for this trip. And... my daughter has decided to go along... so that is awesome.

So... starting with the next post... we will be on the road... traveling from ABQ to PA... 1900 miles one way.. .. in the SmartCar ♥

lazy weekend in progress

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday I had to take in my SmartCar for a check-up. I have had it over a year now, and put about 17,000 miles on it (mostly due to the cross country trip this summer). Since getting the car last July... it has been a wild ride. I love my car.

This weekend is (hopefully) going to be a quiet one. Seems like I have been sooo busy for sooo long... and with too much emotional upset... that I feel like I just need to step off the merry-go-round for a turn or two.

Thursday would have been my sister's birthday. She would have been 56. I miss her. I know she is in a better place, and I would not wish her back to be sick and spending her days in pain. But I do miss her sweet smile, her words of encouragement, her intelligent insight into so many things.

Photos for today were taken at SmartCenter in ABQ... where I got my wonderful little car :)

travelin' -- 1900 miles to go

photo by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Albuquerque Railyards

I am heading out.... into the brave wild world with my lovely Sabrina at my side for the journey. I have a map, music, and a brand new laptop that we found on an amazing sale. I have my phone, my camera, and my journals....colored pencils, gifts for my parents, a violin that belonged to my sister... that I am giving to her middle child.
I have every bit of clothing I own (yes it fit in one bag). Sabrina's food, bed, treats, and brush.
A soft pillow and a blanket just in case.
A first aid kit. Toiletries.
Sounds like alot...but is amazingly not.

I am driving my little SmartCar. I feel like the commercial for the Wii ....with the two dudes driving into the sunset/ sunrise in their little SmartCar....heading out into the vast unknown. In fact, I have always knick-named my car "the wee" ... after that. And being a small car.. it suits it.