driving Miss Brina...............

photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken in Texas

ugh. Apparently I have killed the cord that I use to upload photos from my camera. I didn't realize it was dead, so I didn't get a replacement. I will have to try to find one tomorrow, but as it is Sunday, I am not sure if I will be able to locate a store that will be open. In the meantime, there will be no daily photos. I will add them to the post as soon as I am able.

Once again, I was able to sleep through the night. I am not sure if it is because of exhaustion.. but I am hoping it is the new herbal meds.
I got up at 6:30am because the previous tenant in the room didn't disable the alarm clock.. and I didn't realize it was on.... so I awoke to an insanely piercing alarm. Sabrina, being the puppy she is .. merely looked at the clock with disdain and rolled back over.
I, got up.
By 8am we were out of the hotel, and over to the Flea Market. I saw the gentleman I spoke to last night (Hi Mike !), and he greeted me with a hug, and Brina with a cookie. She actually gave him a kiss. Brina and I walked around the market, and bought a really cool green depression glass mug. It is the perfect size for the cup holder in the car, and is now happily holding my change for me.
I also got a vintage 1951 Popular Mechanics magazine. The main article talks about the Russian space programs... I thought the hubby would get a hoot out of that.
I took some photos of some cool items for sale (Aunt Jemima figurines !), and then Brina and I headed in to the antique mall. Wow. Alot of stuff. Again, I took some photos...vintage dishes, a typewriter, some cool tins. I bought 2 spinning wheel bobbins with graduated rings on it. I figure I will use them to make loops for my jewelry wire work projects. I also bought an adorable little marble.. just cuz.
Then we stopped very quickly at the Cheese factory Outlet, and got some jerky, some cheese sticks, and the best snack food ever--- Churro Nuggets. Go ahead ... look it up. You know you want to.
We had a late breakfast ala picnic style in the grass... then drove through Missouri. We saw fields, possum, rivers, ponds, lots of green, some hills, limestone ridges, signs for caves... and a farm that had ostriches grazing about.

We made a pit stop in Pocahontas, IL... then back on the road.. stopping again in Effingham, IL. Effingham also has one of those massive roadside crosses. If you are just a bit tired from driving.. this can be really disconcerting...because it makes you think you have been delusional, and are still in Groom, TX. I really don't know what it is with these big cross attractions. I have yet to see a massive 3 story Buddha.... or a huge metal Ganesha....

We had a late lunch at Wendy's -- again in the grass. This time, we ate in this huge field behind a bunch of hotels. It was really strange. There in the middle of this field was a very old metal kid's play/ climbing/ slide thingie that looked like a rocket ship. It was fabulous. There was also a very old abandoned towing type truck, and these huge signs. Actually, it was pieces to one massive electrified sign that looked older than dirt. It had these fabulous yellow bulbs on it. Great photo op. I also noticed that the field was basically all white clover plants. Brina immediately ate her chicken and took a nap in the grass.

The next stop was in Cloverdale, Indiana. We had a snack, and bought a couple home-made no-bake cookies from the attendant, and also got a map guide of all the states. Figured it might be a good idea. Took some great photos of these bright purple tall flowers. Gorgeous. They were growing with the cattails in the swampy areas off of the highway. OH--- and we saw a RED FOX !

Then... we headed out for Dayton, OH. I wasn't sure if we would actually get this far, but we did. Unfortunately, when we got to the hotel we wanted to stay at; they were booked solid. Apparently there is an Air Show at the base this weekend. The only other hotel that allows pets in the entire area was about 20 miles away in the wrong direction. So -- the hotel clerk was nice enough to call them and we got the last room available. I actually found my way there !!! thanks to some awesome directions from the new hotel clerk.. and now we are in for the night.

Expenses: If my calculations are right, we did about 650 miles today.We spent $30 on food, $20 for the map, $15 for stuff at the market and antique mall. About $35-40 in gas. Hotel was $68, plus $7 for Internet use. Personally, I think hotels charge WAY too much...on the other hand... this is a nice one.

So... seeing as I can't work on some photos (la sigh)... I am going to watch a dvd that I brought with me. It is the first 3 episodes of The Partridge Family !! (kudos to Netflix for having such cool movies).
Gonna take a quick shower, and lay on the bed with all the snacks, and watch Shirley Jones. Yup....oh hey now !