

It has been freezing cold here for a few days... and I have basically been spending it holed up and huddled up. But tonight we decided to make a quick run for some food. On the way... I got these photos of vintage neon on Route66 here in Albuquerque.

I've always liked alot of the vintage motels, cafes and neon on Route66... and it is even more impressive at night. All you really need for some killer night photography... is a stable tripod or monopod. Tonight... I actually forgot mine... so I used the top of the Jeep as stabilization for a longer exposure. The longer exposure allows more light to reach your picture... giving you more detail and color saturation.... provided you can hold the camera very very still... hence the tripod.
The photos for today's post are essentially straight out of the camera... proof that you can get clear crisp shots at night -- All I did was increase the color saturation ever so slightly to bring out the warmth of the brown on the cow.

For more on Night Photography... look here

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Welcome to the New Year~ may yours be full of promise, joy, health, wonder, mindfulness, wanderings, poetry, art, music, dance, growth, spirit, passion, grace... beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and moonglow...

Yesterday, as we were all leaving Bodies: The Exhibition... we had to travel this tunnel-way to the car garage where we had parked. It is gorgeous. I was amazed at all the creativity that went into this somewhat austere concrete tunnel... and wanted to share the lights with you.

And for all of you who may be wondering... yes, I started a new 365 Photo-A-Day project today... my 3rd... and I am really looking forward to it. And, as my sets and such on FlickR seemed to be building up... I took some time tonight to clean out alot of photos... remove some album sets... and decrease the number of groups I belong to in FlickR-land.
Re-organization is good. Downsizing is good. Selective focus... even better :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Late last evening, I realized that I hadn't taken my photo for the day yet. I had gotten sucked into listing things on Freecycle, and doing some odd stuff around the house... and I got side-tracked. Such is life sometimes.
And so... around 11:30pm... the daughter and I headed out to see what we could see... and to catch a photo. We ended up having a great time... and actually got photos for (technically) last night and today.
I have been working this week on my night-time photography skills (or lack thereof )..... so it was a good lesson for me. I am also coming up on my one-year anniversary of having just the Kodak point and shoot camera... and this whole year has been quite amazing in terms of my growth as a photographer... it is really quite exciting.

***all photos by Elaine A. Russell