

I am sick again.... and it's getting annoying. Actually... it is probably just a continuation of the pneumonia/whooping cough/ sinus infection "plague" I had for the last part of October, and all of November. Knowing me... I probably wasn't completely well... and now it's resurfaced. uuuurrrggh.

However, it was as good as an excuse as any to go to Annapurna's Chai House for some Ayurvedic food therapy at dinnertime. And... half an order of kitchari and oodles of tea later... I am somewhat better. Shown above, is the fabulous cardamom cookie I had at the onset of my dinner... which, according to Ayurvedic wisdom...

"The body digests food in the same order it is tasted: sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, astringent. Thus, sweet foods should be eaten first, followed by salty, spicy, bitter, and astringent."
((... and like you have to convince me to eat my dessert first...))


In other news... I am winding down to the last bit on this year's 365 Photo-A-Day project... as I only have a couple weeks of it left. On the whole... it wasn't very difficult to incorporate taking a photo every day into my schedule... partly because I had done it the year before as well. The only bits that have been somewhat difficult, have actually been this month. I made it a quest to devote all the pics for this month on the theme of toys... thinking it would be easier to have a set theme. However... I have found that this actually makes it harder for me somehow. I guess it takes the spontaneity out of it more... or some such.
I most likely will continue on another year of it come January though... just without the monthly theme idea.

Today, after checking on-line, I discovered that it was Flake Appreciation Day (as in SnowFlakes)... which inspired me to do this photo (below) as my photo for the day.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

cake in a cup

---------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Did you know that you can make a chocolate cake inside a coffee cup-- in the microwave-- in about 5 minutes? I know. I am shocked too. It's not a crusty dry cake, but an ooey gooey kind of cake. Great with ice cream on top.

You take:
4 tbsp of flour
4 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp of cocoa (I used nutella and peanut butter in mine cuz I didn't have any cocoa)
*mix all the dry ingredients in the cup.

Then add:
1 egg
3 tbsp of milk
3 tbsp of oil
splash of vanilla extract
Choc chips (optional)
*mix that all in your cup with the dry stuff.

Cook in your microwave at 1000 watts for 3 minutes.
When it's cooking, it will rise above your mug.. don't freak out.

(I used a pretty big cup.. and had enough for 2 people)
Just let it cool for a couple minutes after cooking.