

Today I saw an interesting post on Facebook. A lady I know was sending out a plea for financial help... and I responded. Now, this is a fantastic woman... one of great strength. A single parent to a special needs child... an artist... and hard worker. This was not someone who was simply asking for a handout. She... like so many of us... has had a hard year financially... and was at a stressing point, and needed help.

I so understand this. My husband has a great job, that he loves... that actually pays quite well. However, we have debt out the ying-yang. Most of the debt is from past medical bills on my part, home improvements and such. It is the "American way of life"... someone once jokingly said... and I am inclined to agree. It's almost as if, if you are not $30,000 in debt or some such... then you are not American... he he. In our case... it was not from spending frivolously or stupidly... and it was the same for this woman.

But it's more than that. It's sometimes all too easy to get behind the curve ball... and then things snowball... and before you know it... things are out of control. Each time I have traveled to PA... I end up spending at least $1500-2000 on hotels, food, gas, and then costs while I am there... and then back again. I have gone 4 times in the past year. Yes, you do the math. It's not that I would not go (obviously)... but it has put a huge strain on things financially. Such is life. We will get thru it. It may take us a bit longer than we would like... but it's still in the range of possible.
With my friend... not so much. And so ... yes. By all means YES. If my small "donation to the cause" can help... I will gladly do so. I know she would do the same for me. And isn't that what this is all about? Helping each other when we can... in ways we can.

Have a happy HAPPY night ... and take care of one another :)

*photo by Elaine A. Russell