

Sometimes you just have to "go with the flow"...

I know... it's sort of a lame saying... but every now and then it rings true.
(as my mother-in-law was oft to say... "even a broken clock is right twice a day").

These past few days have been sort of a blur to me. I had a bad allergy problem a few days ago... took some benadryl for it... and have been in sort of a stuporous state since. If I'm awake... I'm a mess.. sneezing... wheezing... and blurry eyed. Or... I am dead asleep.
But... I think it is all finally working it's way out of my system... and the fever I have tonight is actually a blessing in disguise as I think it is helping to burn off some of the effects of it all.

And so. I am trying to relax... and just let things work their majik.

The photos for today's post... are ones I took in Placitas on the 19th... but re-worked today.
The top one, is a portion of a picture encased in a shrine at the Placitas Cemetery. I love it.
The bottom photo, is of the Sandias as we were heading out towards Placitas on Highway 25 North.
I have been fooling around a little with some texture layers ... which are sandwiched on top the photos to make a new image. In a way... they remind me of the old Polaroid prints where you peel off the top layer to expose the print....
which was always alot of fun :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell