artist date


Artist dates are a wonderful thing.
Today, my daughter... a friend... and I went on another artist excursion in and around Old Placitas.

And over the course of the time there... we saw gorgeous mountain views... and tracks in the dirt of "wild things"... We put out some fresh hay for the wild horses that run around there (just to help them thru the winter a bit)... and explored a very old cemetery (dates back to the 1860's)...
We also had some fabulous food at a local restaurant... and drooled over lots of interesting art magazines for ideas...

The end of the "date" came all too quickly... and yet, that glorious moon was beckoning to us all; a night of sweet dreams...

...And of course... I took some photos...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today was my first "artist date" of the year... one of those special days where I go out and submerse myself in the artistic side of the world. Sometimes I go to bookstores and read all the latest books and magazines... sometimes I wander about doing urban exploration... sometimes I go to museums or see shows...

Last year, I tried to do one at least once a week... that is... when I was actually here in NM. This year, I hope to continue having weekly artist dates... and hope to drag some friends along with me.

So. Today... my daughter and I picked up a friend... and we went roaming about the countryside a bit... driving around the city of Albuquerque a bit... stopping at a plant nursery, a music shop, and at Flying Star for dinner. From there... we spent a leisurely time looking at magazines whilst eating... having great conversation... and got some awesome art inspiration.

And along the way... I took a few photos... and did a few sketches :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell