

Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens --Epictetus

Right now... any power I may have is in "re-charge mode"...
...rest, my friends... rest. Be well... and be happy...

(*photo of a local power plant, by Elaine A. Russell)

connections -- reflection -- communication

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Communication. An ability we automatically take for granted, and yet.. so easy to completely screw up. Just a tone.. just a mis-used word... can change the entire context of a conversation... and bring things into a completely different light.

As an example... did you know that the word SET has the most definitions of any word in the english language? Yep. SET has 464 definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary.

And then... Even with people you have great connections with, it can sometimes go astray. And then there's the whole emotional context that can go along with things.. and completely cause us to muddle things up. A mis-interpretation, a misunderstanding... it can all mess us up.

I think I read somewhere that the english language is the hardest one to learn. Actually -- I think it's broader than that. I think it's the language of trust. To be able to get past supposed transgressions; and move on to closer, more solid ground with each other.

I am so glad to have good friends. I am so grateful that my hubby really knows me-- and still loves me. I am grateful for my kids who laugh with me... and not at me ( or at least.. not to my face). Such simple things...and yet, so important.

getting charged up

photo by Elaine A. Russell

Getting charged up ....for a couple more shows --which is awesome. I am going to be participating in a photo show, and also the Grand Re-Opening of the Factory on 5th. Both shows are coming up in the next few weeks... so stay tuned for details.
On a side note...
I have finally caught up with most of my mixed media projects. This is very cool, because I'm kinda OCD, and now I can work on new projects without feeling guilty about old projects that I have never finished. It's just the way it is.
Also on a side note...
Today I went to eat at the Korean BBQ place on Central (http://www.koreanbbqhousenm.com/index.html). The only time I had sushi, and liked it... was when I was pregnant with my son (a lifetime ago) when we lived in Mississippi. I have been to several sushi restaurants since then... but never found any I really liked, until tonight. The sushi was fabulous. The wasabi was awesome. Even the iced tea was good. It was a little pricey ( dinner worked out to be $16 per person )... but it was really good.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

I just love this photo. Taken yesterday, it is another in my series of photos that features the Factory on 5th. This is in the south end of the building.
I just love the grit in the photo.... kinda like life.

You've gotta have the grit to make the beauty.


and.. on an unrelated note.....
Check out this video !!!

Holly Dolly - The best home videos are here

.. and the website: www.holly-dolly.eu/

power up

------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

random photo of a power box at the Factory on 5th. I just love this building, and am working on a series of photos exploring the architecture of the place.

Today was kind of a nice day. Things in general have been going much better. My son is happy, and going to college. My daughter has her driver's license and is exploring career ideas for the future. My hubby is content with his job. Everyone is fairly healthy and happy... except for seasonal allergies. It's been a nice week or so of contentment.

I think it's sort of a calming time before we get busy again. Busy with fixing up the house.. thinking about moving to a new place...facing challenges.... perhaps going for more schooling... who knows what lies ahead. No matter what.. I think it will be good.