

Sometimes you just have to "go with the flow"...

I know... it's sort of a lame saying... but every now and then it rings true.
(as my mother-in-law was oft to say... "even a broken clock is right twice a day").

These past few days have been sort of a blur to me. I had a bad allergy problem a few days ago... took some benadryl for it... and have been in sort of a stuporous state since. If I'm awake... I'm a mess.. sneezing... wheezing... and blurry eyed. Or... I am dead asleep.
But... I think it is all finally working it's way out of my system... and the fever I have tonight is actually a blessing in disguise as I think it is helping to burn off some of the effects of it all.

And so. I am trying to relax... and just let things work their majik.

The photos for today's post... are ones I took in Placitas on the 19th... but re-worked today.
The top one, is a portion of a picture encased in a shrine at the Placitas Cemetery. I love it.
The bottom photo, is of the Sandias as we were heading out towards Placitas on Highway 25 North.
I have been fooling around a little with some texture layers ... which are sandwiched on top the photos to make a new image. In a way... they remind me of the old Polaroid prints where you peel off the top layer to expose the print....
which was always alot of fun :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


( of art that were available on auction...)

This past weekend, I attended a Fundraiser for the Performing Arts in Socorro, NM.
It was located at the fabulous Macey Center (

As I said in a previous post; the events included hands-on arts and dance workshops, Brazilian music by the group "Saudade" and a silent auction. (link:

There were 3 of us "manning" a table... giving demonstrations and teaching techniques associated with ATC cards. (link: ATC card info). Amongst the other demonstrations there were: tye dying, beading, wire-work, embellishing sunglasses and other accessories, egg decoration, gourd painting, clay work, tin work, book binding, Polish paper cutting, weaving, printmaking, making fruit sushi, origami, crocheting, pastel drawing, watercolor painting, pottery, and making stained glass mosaics.
It was quite the variety of crafts being demonstrated; and it just gives a glimpse into the amount of talent here in New Mexico. It always amazes me how different crafts and art forms there really are in the world.... absolutely limitless... when you think about it. There really is no end to the creativity that people can come up with if inspired.
And so... here are photos of some of the art techniques being demonstrated....

*photos by Elaine A. Russell