It's the Year of the Golden Rabbit...
For more info... look HERE
(*photo by Elaine A. Russell)
New Year
*bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis
*or involves ... paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally
*or involves... a kind of non-elaborative, nonjudgmental, present-centered awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in the attentional field is acknowledged and accepted as it is
*and always invites... curiosity, openness, and acceptance
*all photos by Elaine A. Russell
I went to bed last night around 2am ...only to awaken at 4am. Not sure why...except that I got to see the most beautiful Blue Moon staring back at me as it settled behind the volcanoes to the west.
I am not a morning person... as those of you who know me KNOW. So... this was a rare well as a gorgeous photo opportunity for me. And while my little kodak isn't professional by any stretch... I think it did an awesome job.
Welcome to the New Year. Welcome to a gorgeous Blue Moon. It's all shiny and fresh, exciting and new... waiting....just for you.
photo by Elaine A. Russell
well folks.. here it is. The last day of the last month of the year. In many ways.. it has been a wild ride...but I wouldn't have it any other way. I thought I would end the year with one of my humble haiku poems.....
round and round we go
spinning wildly thru days... months
must eat funnel cake
**don't forget to write and enter in my Anniversary Give-Away! Entries must be submitted by Jan 9th at 9am... simply write to me at with your likes/dislikes about my blog... and you could win a prize! 9 winners will be chosen, and each will receive a handmade item (scarf, jewelry, art, photography art prints ) or a stash of crafting supplies.
...and now for something completely different to rock in the New Year's
photo by Elaine A. Russell