New Year


A friend got me started on the idea of picking a word to focus on each year... and last year my word was potential. I thought it was an innocent word... one that could only highlight the good in life... and it did... but like so much in life... it was very, very much more.

Potential... was me realizing that no matter the situation (good and bad)... that I could survive...perhaps even rise... above whatever was going on.
Potential was... getting acknowledgement of my photography... and my "coming out" as an artist.
Potential was... almost a "letting go" of everything I had learned or experienced... and making way for the new and different.

This year... my word is mindfulness.

According to Wiki... mindfulness is:

*bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis
*or involves ... paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally
*or involves... a kind of non-elaborative, nonjudgmental, present-centered awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in the attentional field is acknowledged and accepted as it is
*and always invites... curiosity, openness, and acceptance

And so... with a thought towards mindfulness and being more aware of one's surroundings... the daughter and I headed off to Old Towne late at night... to absorb all that it is. The cold... the crisp air... the cooing of sleeping doves... the sacredness of the San Felipe de Neri church.... the whiteness of the holiday lights glowing in the darkness... the sound of the older man walking his dog in the park... the rush of traffic on Route66 only a block away... the smell of snow in the air...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


---------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today is Valentine's Day... and it also marks the first day of the Year of the Tiger. The hubby and I went to see the Chinese New Year Celebrations here in ABQ.... wow! It was pretty spectacular!!!

This year's celebrations were held at the Chinese Culture Center on Adam's street. Festivities to ring in the lunar new year 4708 included Traditional Dragon and Lion Dancing, Kung Fu and Tai Chi Demonstrations, sword dances, fan dances, ribbon and flag dances... and SO much more.

I was awestruck by the fabulous costumes for the lions ... and of course, the massive green dragon!
Demonstrations were graced with appearances by the Monkey King and his entourage, and from some pretty awesome demon dancers.
Oh... and did I mention the drummers?! Incredible.

The presentations (which went from 1-3pm) concluded with a wonderful encore by the mighty dragon dancers with all of the Lions ... and about 12,500 fireworks! No joke.

To see more on this celebration; check HERE. and HERE
I will share more pictures on another post.....

once in a blue moon... Happy New Year

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

I went to bed last night around 2am ...only to awaken at 4am. Not sure why...except that I got to see the most beautiful Blue Moon staring back at me as it settled behind the volcanoes to the west.

I am not a morning person... as those of you who know me KNOW. So... this was a rare well as a gorgeous photo opportunity for me. And while my little kodak isn't professional by any stretch... I think it did an awesome job.

Welcome to the New Year. Welcome to a gorgeous Blue Moon. It's all shiny and fresh, exciting and new... waiting....just for you.

ticket to ride

photo by Elaine A. Russell

well folks.. here it is. The last day of the last month of the year. In many ways.. it has been a wild ride...but I wouldn't have it any other way. I thought I would end the year with one of my humble haiku poems.....

round and round we go

spinning wildly thru days... months

must eat funnel cake

**don't forget to write and enter in my Anniversary Give-Away! Entries must be submitted by Jan 9th at 9am... simply write to me at with your likes/dislikes about my blog... and you could win a prize! 9 winners will be chosen, and each will receive a handmade item (scarf, jewelry, art, photography art prints ) or a stash of crafting supplies.

...and now for something completely different to rock in the New Year's

the "after" days....

photo by Elaine A. Russell

This has been a difficult post to write. Although most people do not come into contact with the celebrities of this world.. they effect us nonetheless. They brighten our lives with tender songs, wonderful movies, and joyous events.
Today has been a day of reflection. Of people that have passed on this year... of music that will never quite be the same... of songs yet unsung. As this year ends, I would like to post a tribute of sorts, to the actors, singers, entertainers who have gone on this year to a better place... may you all rest in peace.

...and a little video on Mary Travers, who also passed away this year. Even though I was born in 1964 (which some people would argue was too late to be influenced by this time-frame) --- the folk/rock era was (and is) my music. I felt so at home with the music and ideology of this period. The love, the desire for peace, the need to get back to nature ... to take care of this land and its' people... it still speaks to me. And groups like Peter, Paul and Mary were a big part of that. I loved these songs... as well as the activism that groups like this stood for...