

Migraine... (I actually went back thru my blogposts and discovered that it's day 10 of this horrible migraine). And it's going as well as you'd think it would be. However... I did help my mom get some financial stuff settled today... and we did take a drive... and I did get some photos... and I did visit briefly with a friend of mine from high school... and it was all good.

If I can finish the paperwork that needs done... and help my mom with a few things on the "To Do" list... then I feel like I will have done as much as I can for this trip. Not to say that I've done alot... as I feel like I have been pretty much useless (*but I have tried... I think it's just that I have been sick and I always feel pretty much useless when I am sick)... but right now I am overwhelmed... and ready to be going home...
(and in the words of my very wise daughter... it's time).

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

I am at a loss for words. My dad was just diagnosed this week with bone cancer. It's hard for me to even type the words.
In his lifetime... he has had 2 heart attacks, 2 strokes, prostate cancer twice, skin cancer .. numerous places, he had a kidney removed because of cancer, and now this. Not to mention surgeries... broken bones and the like. And about a year ago... Diabetes.

On one hand. He is tough. Super tough. John Wayne tough.
On the other... how much does a person have to take?

My sister passed away a couple years ago from Stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis. She fought for 7 years... and was simply and unequivocally beautiful *inside and out* throughout her ordeal. I have had my episodes as well.... but I have probably not been as nice and cheerful as she was. But I digress.

If you look at the statistics for my hometown... they are astronomical in the amount of cancer per ca pita. My theory.... is that it is from an animal hide tannery that used to be in the area; and I think things just got into the land and water tables that shouldn't have... but it's just a theory.

Where am I going with this? Life is hard. Sometimes it's harder than at other times. Some people handle life's curves with grace ... some do not do as well. I know my dad will be able to handle whatever life throws at him. He always has...and I'm sure he will continue to not only do it with grace... but with style and courage... and be an inspiration to those around him.

But as a daughter.... I just wish I could fix it.