
-----> photo by Elaine A. Russell

slipping... over the mossy shoreline into the depths below
traveling further and further downward like a plant falling from a window way too high for it's own good
past colorful denizens of the deep
ever watchful
ever hopeful
yet, sinking further
looking towards the skyline of the land I used to belong to
...and the eyes of Poseidon watched

About the photo for today: I was driving downtown taking photos out of the car window. When I came home tonight, this one caught my eye... and I thought it would be interesting to see what it would look like if I changed the color scheme to make it look like it was under water. Well... when I reversed the colors... these fabulous eyes came out of the clouds! I then tweaked the colors just a bit, and removed the brush the Octopus was holding ( the photo is of an Octopus car wash sign)...