

...please join me in ... lighting a candle... saying a prayer... sending healing thoughts
... and surrounding my friend, Allegra, with white light...
Allegra is a wonderful, delightful, caring soul that I met thru her blog... and she is gravely ill.
...please also send warm, and caring thoughts to her husband and family...

see more here...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


""Samhain ( /ˈsɑːwɪn/, /ˈsaʊ.ɪn/, or /ˈsaʊn/)... is a Gaelic harvest festival held on October 31–November 1.
It was linked to festivals held around the same time in other Celtic cultures, and was popularised as the "Celtic New Year" beginning in the 18th century.

Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was traditionally celebrated over the course of several days. It has some elements of a festival of the dead. The Gaels believed that the border between this world and the otherworld became thin on Samhain; because so many animals and plants were dying, it thus allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.

In Scotland the dead were impersonated by young men with masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white. Samhnag — turnips which were hollowed-out and carved with faces to make lanterns — were also used to ward off harmful spirits.
The Gaelic festival became associated with the Catholic All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, and has hugely influenced the secular customs now connected with Halloween, a name first attested in the 16th century as a Scottish shortening of the fuller All-Hallows-Even.""
... from Wiki


Read more HERE

and HERE

and HERE

*photography by Elaine A. Russell


I have learned an awful lot being away from home for the past 3 months. One of the interesting things I have learned is that my body can be a very fragile beast. I have always felt a little guilty for insisting over the years on buying as much organic and fresh foods that we can afford. I always felt a little guilty because in the back of my mind... I figured I was sorta being selfish in wanting "the best" foods... when I could probably do fine with something cheaper.
However. After living for 3 months on a diet of mostly canned/ frozen veggies... lots of carbs... very little meat... and more processed food that I care to admit -- I am sick. I have bruises all over me... a nasty skin rash... infections... joint pain and soreness in odd places... headaches... and I have gained alot of really flabby weight.
I can only assume that my diet has to be the culprit (that and stress).
When I was diagnosed with Lupus back in 1992; I saw a nutritionist who insisted I try a diet of fresh, organic food... no red meat, very little dairy... no sugar, no caffeine, etc. After 6 months I was in remission of the Lupus, and periodically over the years I go back on this diet when things get bad ... with good results.
When I had cancer back in 1997; I went on a strict macrobiotic diet. I also did meditation, massage, and acupuncture... and was very happily surprised that after 6 weeks I was able to go back to work... and after 6 months... I was in remission.
Watching my diet has always been a crucial factor with my health.

And so... today marks a fresh start.
A revamping of my diet... a cleaning out and re-organizing of the house...
and a re-grouping of my art business.
Course... first I have to get rid of this headache...

(*photo by Elaine A. Russell)