

Life itself can be so unpredictable. My mother has told me to wait on coming back to PA... my dad seems to be declining... but at a fairly steady, slow, pace. He is getting pain medicine almost hourly... and so far, it is helping.
She feels she will need me more later on...

My hubby came home late yesterday from his travels, and then did a 12hr work day today... he is exhausted.

My sleep schedule is completely whack... what with concern over family and such... and I seem to be in a very unproductive phase right now... scattered... restless... anxious.

I mention this only to highlight the fact that I was awake to see the sunrise this am... something that is a rarity for me. I was wandering about the yard... taking some photos of the sky and the light... when this glorious hummingbird came within about 2 feet of my face.

I had been standing near a yucca plant... contemplating life... death... illness... When this little hummer came to me and just stared at me... looking right into my eyes.... then hovered slightly in the sky... and took off.

I had my camera in hand... but was so startled at his appearance... that I only snapped 2 quick shots before he left (and one is a total wash). Tonight, upon looking up info on hummers as totem animals... I read that many cultures view the hummingbird as a symbol of resurrection --
"This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth. "

How appropriate ... indeed.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


To see more on Hummingbirds as totem animals...