
an interesting view

.....................................photo by Elaine A. Russell

everything often boils down to a matter of perspective... how we; as individuals, actually see things. how we perceive things to have transpired.... how our past experiences alter things and how we remember them on a daily basis.

photographing the railyards on Saturday was an awesome experience. What some people would see as urban decay in it's most unpleasant forms.... most of us there viewed with awe and wonder. The beauty of the architecture. The sun streaming through the windows... the light shadows on the wood brick floors....the graffiti ( which I personally LOVED)... the puddles and feathers and signs of time passing.. .weather beating down... people wandering through in the middle of the night....

So much of life is like that. You hear: "... don't move there.. the neighborhood is bad".... or ..." it's nothing but a slum in that section...don't go there..." Some of the best places I have lived have been in areas where people warned us not to go. Traveling is like that as well... people will recommend certain sites to visit... not realizing how much they are missing by not exploring and discovering neat little places on your own.

Sometimes it's a matter of clearing your mind of all previous expectations and perceptions to really really see what's in front of you... what's down that winding dirt road... what's off the beaten path. ...but it's worth it.

resting and waiting

photo by Elaine A. Russell

If you ever get the opportunity to see the inside of the ATSF Rail Yards here in ABQ, I highly encourage you to go. It is the epitome of urban decay.... but it's grandeur and architecture will absolutely blow you away.
And while I am 57 shades of sore today.... it was well worth it.

99.9% of the time, the rail yards is closed to the public. It is intended to be the future home of the Wheels Museum; but for now... it sits silently... waiting... hoping..

And today... I too am taking a little break. The remodel is not moving along much at all; and it is beginning to get a little frustrating. But... we are all safe, and warm, and have a roof over our heads... so in the whole scheme of things... it is all good. Resting... waiting .. .and hoping here as well :)


**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Those of you who know me really well; know that I run, run, run and then am down, down, down. Mostly, due to the Lupus. Well; I have been busy for several days now... coupled with still getting over the flu... and yesterday I was on a photo excursion for about 8hrs.. standing or walking in the cold...
Today I am down. Floored. Exhausted. .... but very happy.

I love being able to do my art on a regular basis. And being able to do photography ALL DAY was fabulous. I do try to take time to photograph every single day... but rarely, is it an all-day event. I also had the wonderful opportunity to try first-hand some of the coolest equipment that Nikon has to offer.

This late-afternoon/ early evening... the hubby and I are doing our weekly "date" of going to get a salad or soup or something lite for supper... and then going to Barnes and Noble for a Scrabble game and coffee. It is a wonderful ritual... and it makes me happy.

*photos are from yesterday's FlickR photo meet at the ABQ Railyards