

Having dealt with debilitating illnesses before... you'd think that I would know when to slow down. Or stop. But I don't. I think sometimes that illness (at least in my case) can therefor sometimes be a good thing; in the sense that it forces me to take time and rest.
This whole past month I have been working up to a "good" case of bronchitis. And now, for the past several days... it has consumed most every moment of my existence.
Stupid stuff completely wears me out.

I have been trying to sort thru the house ... and this past weekend I sold some of the stuff off of Craigslist. The stuff that didn't sell.... I loaded up and took to Goodwill this afternoon. It was all I could do to basically drive it up there... and somewhat help unload it (fortunately... I very nice guy helped me out). By the time I got home... I was ready for another breathing treatment... and some Tylenol for a killer headache.

One thing that never seems to wear me out though... is taking photographs. Both of the shots for today's post I took on the way home from Goodwill. They are sunny.... and remind me to keep "looking up".... and keep on keepin on....

------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

re-model monday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today ... the kitchen re-model has started. Did I mention how chaotic things can be? We weren't sure the guys were coming, so when they showed up this am... we asked them to go get coffee and come back. Then, the hubby and I completely emptied the kitchen, packing all the dishes and food etc in about 45 minutes.
As I sit here at my computer, I am watching the guy use a reciprocating saw to tear out walls, cupboards, shelving and more.... it is amazing. Course, it's also kind of frightening to see what was underneath the cupboards... but I digress.

In light of this... I am posting nice... pretty ... scenic pictures from the other day when I was up in Santa Fe.

~~~ Have a great Monday y'all