

-------photo and self portrait done by Elaine A. Russell

There was a period in my life when I certainly felt imprisoned. It is a time I tend to not think about or dwell on, and most of the people involved are long gone.

I felt trapped, imprisoned, held captive by rules and responsibilities way beyond the norm. I was working as a waitress, going to school, taking care of my invalid grandmother from 4pm-midnight, and doing chores and more around the house. It began when I was barely 12-13, and stopped when I left for college at 19.
It was a horrible, horrible time on many levels. And yet, it made me stronger --and more compassionate-- and gave me a strong work ethic to which I still hold fast today.

I have read, "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger." I believe it is by Nietzsche.
Sounds trite.. but it is true.... at least in my case.

Photos are from my photo trip to the NM State Penitentiary in December.

NM State Penitentiary visit

-------------------------side view of the prison

---------------------my fav shot. View from inside the prison.

-----------------------the locked up Psych Ward.

-------------------a creative soul's cell. casings in C block.
===============all photos by Elaine A. Russell

So. Back on December 14, I went with a very small contingency of the FlickR photo group, and we went to the NM State Penitentiary up in Santa Fe.

The prison is the site of one of the worst prison riots in US history, and certainly a bad memory here locally. I personally, have taken care of some of the survivors of that riot, and even years later.. it is still something.

On that day in December, it was so cold and windy that most of the FlickR members decided to go another time, but a few of us went, and I'm glad I did. It is a grand place... huge, confusing, damp, and disturbing. The guide (Rick) was awesome.

Having recently aquired a mangled Nikon D70, I didn't really know the controls on the camera.. so I managed to take all my shots from the day in RAW format. I didn't have the appropriate software to edit my photos.. but thanks to this awesome FREE program online... I can now post them ! WOOT !
So-- better late than never... and here are a couple shots from the day.
If you want to see more.. see the link ---> to my FlickR page.

If you had wings to FLY

----------------------------------------photo by Elaine Russell

About a month ago, I was fortunate enough to go with a local FlickR photo group to the NM State Penitentiary. The site was the location of the worst riot in NM history.
It is now derelict, but was an awesome location to photograph in.
Many, many thanks to our guide for the day RICH.

This photo was taken in the prison chapel. Someone had apparently found the wings from a pidgeon, and placed them in an altar like fashion in a set of stained glass windows.
This was going to be another entry into the Art of the Shrine show... but alas.
I call it "If you had wings to FLY"