
(photos by Elaine A. Russell -- this one was taken at the 2nd Time Around antique shop)

Today we started out near St. Louis, Missouri....and tonight we are in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today has been sort of a rough day. Lots of construction on the roads... and some bad experiences with other drivers have made it a little difficult. Also... the roads seem to be in worse condition than I remember... or maybe it is just because my back is more sensitive to every pothole and bump in the road *(and there have been alot).

That said... we have seen some gorgeous scenery. Kristin did alot of the driving today... so I was able to look out my window at the stunning countryside. We saw lots of rivers and streams... and lots of really pretty birds.... tons of cows... horses and such. We even saw an alpaca farm off in the distance.

And there were the pleasures of being in more "city" areas as well...

We stopped in Springfield, MO for a Starbucks (my first in about 6 weeks)... and we discovered this awesomely loaded antique shop called "A Second Time Around." See this link: here

I think every square inch of this place had cool treasures to see... and we saw a ton.

For dinner, we stopped in Miami, OK at the Waylan's Ku Ku Burger (link: here). This is the cool place that I took a photo of last summer when I was in Miami... but I didn't get the chance to eat there at the time. This time... we took our time and sat down for a bite. It was really, really awesome. This place had been a nationwide "hot spot" since the Route66 days... and it is still going strong.

I had a fantastic steak sandwich, home-made fries and fresh coffee... FABULOUS.

Almost to our stopping point for the night, we saw a red glow and alot of smoke. Turns out.... some local farmers were burning their fields... and boy did it look cool.

These purple trees were everywhere... and boy are they gorgeous!

Cows... grazing in the fields....

Waylan's Ku Ku Burger joint....

...and fields ablaze....