

Relationships are hard. All too often, one person will sacrifice their beliefs, their ideals, their goals ... in favor of the other's. They think they are helping... or being kind... or even being selfless. But I think, more often than not... they end up losing their sense of self. Not gracious... not giving... just lost and a mere shadow of what they used to be. Oftentimes, resentment is a companion feeling to this sense of loss.

There aren't many examples today where there is genuine give and take in a relationship. Where one person truly cares as much for the other, as they are cared for by the other. It is sad.
All too often... we see a "what's in it for me" response.

Just look at a news segment... and you will have an instant reminder of the worst that humanity has to offer. Perhaps I am an idealist... but I think that NOW more than ever... we need to get back to simple kindness. Looking out for each other. Helping each other. And not because we might get some kind of reward... but because it's the right thing to do.

Tonight we all went out for dinner at the Route 66 Malt Shop here in ABQ. It was freezing balls out... and yet... there were instances when gentlemen still held open doors for "their girl" instead of rushing in for warmth... where waitresses were helpful and nice... where cooks sat down and chatted... where pleasant conversation was shared around a good meal.

...kindness matters... simplicity happens... love abounds... ((spread it around))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell