
a slight change in plans..

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Re-modeling is always an interesting thing...
My contractor placed the order for the kitchen cabinets back in the the end of September/ beginning of October.. and they just now came in. Today the guys started hanging them....and they are the wrong color.
Not a bad color... but the wrong color.
My husband reminded me of when we had a new roof installed 2yrs ago... and they put on the wrong color of tile. We decided to keep it; rather than change it... and it was a good decision. I actually like the "wrong" color roofing better than what I had orginally chosen.
So... we are sticking with the "wrong" cabinets.
Now, the challenge is whether or not the countertops that we had ordered will match the cabinets...but I think it will all work out.

photos are from a couple of months ago. I was near the college here in ABQ... and right by Winning Coffee Co is a fabulous little bungalow home that is now the place of business for a clothing/eclectic shop; and a psychic. I stopped in and had a chat with her.... I suppose I should have asked her about the remodel....

wow. Dia de Los Muertos rocks....

*photo by Elaine A. Russell

---such a busy weekend..... yesterday the hubby and I went to the Psychic Fair at the ABQ Garden Center on Lomas. It was simply fabulous. So many cool things to look at.. and I got my yearly Samhain tarot reading for the upcoming year :)
More on that later ....

Early this am, had to take the hubby to the airport for another out of state work-related trip. ergh. He is, however, going to be able to see some family while there.. so that is awesome.
This afternoon-- a friend and I went to the Tome Gallery to see their Day of the Dead festivities. Lots of great art.. lots of great food... lots of great people. I will definitely be posting more on this later on in the week.
Then.... we made it back to ABQ in time for the Dia de Los Muertos Parade in the South Valley. Freakin' awesome.

So-- provided any of the pics I took turn out... there will be lots to play around with this week for blog posts. But for now... hot chai and bed :)

whew !

photo by Elaine A. Russell

I left the house around 9am.. and got home around 9pm. Some days are like that.
Lots of errands today....but it was a good day overall.

I got my SmartCar checked, lubed, etc. That was pretty cool. Talked to one of the employees about the possibility of me writing an article on my trip cross country in the SmartCar... which would be awesome. Got the car cleaned.. mostly... from the dog hair on my trip :)

Had lunch with the hubby at El Patio (green chili and chicken stuffed sopapillas)... really, really good food.

Talked with the folks at Masks Y Mas who are printing some photos for me... such great people.
Awesome selection of stuff.. and you have got to see the new artwork by Brandon Maldonado in their gallery !!!

Went to a psychic !! and got a reading.... ewwwwwwwww... more on that some other time.

Got a small fresh squeezed orange juice to revive me, and some warm tortillas to take home ...from the Frontier Restaurant .....YUM.

Visited this art place... fantastic... you gotta see !

Got postcards to pass around town of the next art show I am participating in .... the "9x9x9 Show" to be held at the Factory on 5th on September 9th. See postcard below ! I am very excited about the show. I got to see a sneak preview of some of my friend Leau Phillip's pieces.... She is awesome. See her link in my "blogs I like" section to the right. .. and this blog on the show itself....

Visited a couple friends for a little bit.... and got puppy kisses from their baby :)

Got some awesome food from Yasmine's Cafe for my daughter who was dying for some hummus and gyros.... ... and (of course) the Baklava is to die for.

Then home .. paid bills, etc... and now... well.... here we are.

More fun, exciting, breathtaking news... tomorrow .. he he.

salon with Sylvia

-----------------crappy cell phone photo by Elaine A. Russell

I really enjoyed the session with Sylvia Browne at Route66 Casino last night.
I have enjoyed her books for years, and it was a pleasure to be able to hear a lecture from her in person.

I have read alot of the "anti-Sylvia" stuff out there on the internet, and seen alot of supposed debunking of her abilities. It just doesn't matter to me.
Even is she was a complete fraud; which I don't believe she is...... I have still learned so much about life and myself from her books for it to matter. I think the most powerful message that anyone can realize.. is that life can and does go on.
That the best things in life.. really are free.... Loving each other, caring for each other, doing good when you can, enjoying our time here as best as we are able.
The rest of it just doesn't matter.

tonight's the night ~

----------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell see Sylvia Browne at the Route66 Casino. I am really excited. Will post more tomorrow.

Here is a shot I took around 1am last night. It was a beautiful night. A bunch of the artists who have studios at the Factory on 5th just hung out and ate fresh mangos, fresh radishes, and had a great time.