the NM State Fair

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Fairs and carnivals have always held an interesting allure for me. Aside from a deathly distaste/ distrust of clowns.... it is heaven on a stick. And even the clowns are cool in a macabre point of view.
So it was with great excitement that the hubby and I went on our yearly excursion to the NM State Fair.

We usually have a few goals in mind:
  • see the art exhibits
  • see the baby animals (*must vote for the bunnies)
  • get fair food (especially corn on the cob and funnel cake)
  • take photos
  • come home happy and satisfied
And, not unlike in years past... we stayed from mid-afternoon til way after dark.

This year, I was taking photos with a camera that I had only had for about an hour... so I was a bit nervous as to how the photos would actually turn out. But we plunged on in anyway.

First stop was the art exhibits. Wow. I am constantly amazed at the talent here in NM. In the Fine Arts building, we saw gorgeous paintings, cool stained glass and fused glass pieces, mixed media art, and some awesomely cool metal mesh sculptures of the human form. What was so very cool about them, was not just that they were extremely well done... but because of the way they cast these fantastic shadows on the walls. Wow. Unfortunately, no pics allowed in that building.

From there we went to the crafts building. We saw everything from woodcarving, stained glass, dolls, quilts, homemade jams, needlework, coins, altered books and jewelry. And one of our favorite exhibits.. the LEGOS. Demonstrations were being held on woodcarving and book-making. I was able to make a little hand bound book in about 5 minutes (with expert help from LIBROS guild members).(( and one member's site: ))

The photography was displayed this year in the African Arts building. Another WOW. Truly, some excellent stuff out there... and I recognised some names from local FlickR groups.

More on the fair tomorrow !!!